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Gemstra ICO est un écosystème intégré blockchain pour les économies de vente sociales. Gemstra BOUTIQUES est notre marché phare qui relie les marques et les vendeurs par le biais de ventes sociales. Le succès de la boutique a conduit à la construction d’une plateforme de chaînes de blocs ASTRA, qui sert d’infrastructure technique permettant aux détaillants de s’intégrer à l’économie de la vente sociale. En rendant le logiciel de marché BOUTIQUES open source et en créant Gemstra SDK, Gemstra permet à tout détaillant (détaillant) d'ajouter facilement des canaux de vente sociaux à l'entreprise.
  • Marché
    Volume 24H
    24H (prix)
    24H (volume)
  • CoinAll
    GEMS/USDT 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0008
    $ 0.1331
15 avr. 2019
30 juin 2019
100% terminé
Fonds levés - pas de données
Casquette 5 500 000.00 USD
  • 1 GMS
    0.014 USD
Private Sale
1 août 2018
31 janv. 2019
100% terminé
Fonds levés - pas de données
Détails du jeton
Devises Acceptées
Détails de l'entreprise
Pays enregistré
United States
Détails supplémentaires
MVP / Prototype
Liste blanche
Oui , de Mar 1, 2019 jusqu'à Apr 10, 2019
Les catégories
Plate-forme, Crypto-monnaie, Vente au détail, Les services aux entreprises

Sur Gemstra

Nous libérons la vente sociale

Le mastodonte du commerce.

La vente sociale se développe à un rythme effarant. Avec un marché mondial de plus de 180 milliards de dollars (USD) en croissance de 10% par an, la vente sociale est en passe de devenir la plus grande économie de concerts du futur. Les leaders du secteur, comme Amway et Avon, permettent aux équipes de vendeurs indépendants de gagner de l'argent en partageant des produits qu'ils aiment avec des personnes qu'ils connaissent. Aujourd'hui, 120 millions de personnes dans le monde bénéficient de la vente sociale, l'adoption étant de plus en plus rapide, les médias sociaux leur donnant plus de portée que jamais. La vente sociale devrait dépasser 1 billion de dollars d'ici 10 ans, mais cette industrie en croissance est loin d'être parfaite.


  • Live profitable businesses with over 3,000 Influencers generating 7-figure revenues on Gemstra Boutiques
  • iOS App (Knowy) in alpha available for public download on TestFlight

% name% roadmap

  • July 2008- Early Idea

  • Envisioned ecommerce / marketplace disruption of direct selling industry.
  • 2010- First Attempt

  • Launch horizontal portfolio of ecommerce brands.
  • 2013- Second Attempt

  • Launch omni-channel single brand called JewelScent.
  • May 2015- Pivot

  • Start building the Gemstra Backoffice platform.
  • Lire la suite
  • May 2017- Alpha

  • Gemstra Boutiques - centralized Merchant with decentralized Sellers and Brands.
  • June 2017- Expand Vision

  • Gemstra Token - economy to truly decentralize social selling economy.
  • July 2017- Beta

  • Gemstra Boutiques August 2017 Add 7 Brands to Gemstra Boutiques.
  • September 2017- Proof of Concept

  • Smart contract economy to transact retail sales between Seller > Merchant > Brand on ERC20.
  • October 2017- Proof of Concept

  • Customizable multi-level economics.
  • June 2018- Broker-Dealer / Legal

  • Established Broker - Dealer engagement with Entoro for STO offering and finalized legal for private Token Subscription Agreement and ICO.
  • July 2018- Pre-ICO

  • Prepare/Launch pre-sale for GMS token.
  • October 2018 - GMS Token

  • Add GMS Token support at checkout layer + Seller GMS withdrawal for commissions.
  • November 2018- Public ICO

  • Prepare/Launch public sale for GMS token.
  • December 2018- End ICO

  • Completion of the Public Sale/Distribution of tokens.

Gemstra Équipe

Vérifié 100%


$15 260 501

Jay Cheng
Joseph Lau
Kevin Gambill
Janelle Mitchell
David Odere


Vérifié 25%

Attention. Il y a un risque que les membres non vérifiés ne soient pas réellement membres de l'équipe

James Kuo
President Epox International
non vérifié
Ivan Ramirez
Serial Entrepreneur
non vérifié
Connie Tang
President & CEO Princess House
non vérifié
Paul Sri
Blockchain Advisor
Steve Raack
Ex C.O.O. Of BeautyCounter
non vérifié
Ted Hong
Chief Marketing Officer
non vérifié
William Hsu
Co-Founder, Mucker Capital
non vérifié
Tudor Stomff
BountyHive CEO

Gemstra Entretiens

Jay Cheng
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
We are passionate about redistributing consumer profit back to people, decentralizing the social selling industry and unlocking it to broader retail, and creating an ecosystem that provides democratic process to an industry that has historically leveraged stakeholders (independent sellers). We have a thriving live business that will use this technology and allow us to improve it before onboarding other merchants. We have strong crypto use with 2-way velocity - Commission and Purchase - as early as October
Joseph Lau
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm Joseph Lau, CRO of Gemstra and I'm extremely excited to be working on this project to unlock the $24 trillion global retail industry.
Kevin Gambill
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Gemstra COO
Janelle Mitchell
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As the CFO of Gemstra, I am excited to bring the currency to brands, retailers and buyers in furtherance of commerce.
David Odere
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
GEMSTRA is a blockchain-based technological infrastructure that democratizes and unlocks social selling, powering the largest gig economy of the future.
Paul Sri
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am helping advise Gemstra as their blockchain advisor. The ASTRA platform is going to revolutionize social selling by democratizing data and allowing social sellers to to be in control of not only their data, but also who they sell for.
Tudor Stomff
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I advise the team on the marketing aspects. As for the idea, I believe it was about time for an alternative to appear in a market dominated by only a handful of companies so I'm pretty excited to see how things will change after Gemstra goes live.

Gemstra Dernières nouvelles

$ 0.0030
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
$ 1.95
Circ. Supply:
ICO profit
X 0.4287
ICO Price~$0.0070

% nom%

Social Selling: Gemstra’s main advantage is that it creates a social system where buyers, brands, and merchants can conduct business. This makes it easier for users to get their desired products through working with their system.
Brand Incentives: Companies with an established brand will be able to thrive using Gemstra. The platform allows brands to create sales and profits by integrating their product catalog.
User Incentives: Buyers who use Gemstra’s platform find it easier to find their desired goods. Since Gemstra’s token is cheaper than ETH, it allows them to buy their favorite products at a reasonable price.
Scaling: While it sounds like a robust platform, we’ll have to see how Gemstra’s servers will hold thousands of users. If its able to do this, then it will have the edge over the competition.
High Competition: Since Gemstra is related to the social selling industry, it’s placed in direct competition with social media networks such as Facebook, Twiter, Instagram, etc. Other ICOs have decided the same thing.

Lire la suite
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