Simulation, Sports

Truly own your basketball team, manage all aspects of it and generate income while playing against other GM's.

Make all the decisions: hire and improve coaches, recruit and train players, set the team's game strategy, and utilize the team's facilities to maximize performance and resources.

Your basketball team is an ERC-721 NFT, and you are its sole and ultimate owner.

Logo, Jersey and Colors

Your basketball team has a personal identity. The name, logo and jersey distinguish it from all others and makes it unique. The team colors affect your game UI.

Reputation and History

Your basketball team has a story and a reputation. Its all the memorable moments in history, the accomplishments, records, and legendary staff or players.

Fan Base

Your basketball team has a group of committed followers, its hardcore fans. Your fan base increases or decreases based on your team's performance and achievements. This large group is in charge of keeping your players focused and your home games loud.


Your basketball team has facilities that are essential to keep your team ahead of the competition. The Arena generates funds and boosts your team's performance at home games. Your Scouting HQ determines the level of talent you can find during the draft or free agency. The Training Complex boosts player training speed while the Sports Academy does the same for your coaches.


Your basketball team has a training staff of 2 (head coach and an assitant coach) and they are in charge of managerial duties. Recruit the right ones that will align and boost player abilities, manage in game decisions better or help players develop faster. Each coach has a unique set of skills and some even possess a special trait that boosts their abilities even further.


Your basketball team has a squad of players. These players will leave everything out on the court in order to win, and it is up to you to assemble the best possible squad, choose how to utilize them, make sure they fit your game strategy and have good chemistry amongst themselves. Each player has a unique set of skills and some even possess a special trait that boosts their abilities even further.