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Viral Quizzes for Everyone
UwUFUFU is a viral content marketing platform utilizing the versatility of quizzes to fulfill your goal
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FUFU is the go-to platform for users to create quizzes, share them with friends, and earn NFTs through our reward system. The project’s mission is to help brands successfully deploy their digital advertising campaigns in the form of content marketing and distribute NFTs for future gamified marketing campaigns. The ecosystem’s flagship NFT creation and distribution platform is UwUFUFU. A content marketing platform in the form of viral quizzes. The platform is already in use by thousands of users and content creators.

The native token of the platform is called $FUFU. It’s a utility token needed to access all services on the platform. $FUFU is needed for the creation of sponsored quizzes and minting NFT. Also, $FUFU can be staked in the platform, and those who do it, are able to gain rewards for more $FUFU incentivizing long-term holders. Additionally, all the holders of $FUFU and those who have NFTs minted via the platform, have the chance to win Loot Balls by completing quizzes and sharing them. The circular rewards economy creates powerful network effects for those involved.

FUFU Token Utility

FUFU has 4 main utilities * It is the payment currency of all paid services in the FUFU ecosystem. Paid services included sponsored quizzes, NFT minting and premium services * Stake FUFU to earn FUFU. All stakers get rewarded with platfrm fees. Stakers also gain benefits in the ecosystem, from discounts to paid services to boosts to get faster rate of loot ball drops * 20% of FUFU paid to mint NFTs will be locked in as the underlying asset, more NFTs less free float FUFUs * FUFU holders have voting rights. Quadratic voting on governance proposals. Users need to earn reputation by climbing leaderboards of quiz creators to submit proposals

Who are the Founders of FUFU?

FUFU was founded by Charlie Rhee and HK Ahn. They are also the CEO and CTO of MASTER.GG, the company that built UwUFUFU platform and FUFU blockchain.

Charlie comes from a Finance background working over 10 years at global investment banks. He also has experience as a founder of an event hosting company as well as serving on the board of a mobile gaming startup. HK comes from a gaming background working over 7 years at global gaming companies starting at NCSoft, to being one of the early members of Riot Games Korea. He also has experience at Smilegate.

FUFU Équipe

Vérifié 0%

Attention. Il y a un risque que les membres non vérifiés ne soient pas réellement membres de l'équipe

Charlie Rhee
non vérifié
Hk Ahn
non vérifié
Joong Kim
Business Development Lead
non vérifié
Mg Jung
Back-End Engineer
non vérifié

FUFU Dernières nouvelles

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