

Created using Figma
we're buying fast food places
a decentralized social experiment where a crypto community builds and governs a fast food franchise empire via wisdom of the crowd
To be announced
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Sur friesDAO

friesDAO (Franchises & Restaurants Integrated Efficiently & Systematically) is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) on Ethereum seeking to buy fast food stores. For the first time in history, we will attempt to bridge blockchain-based governance with real world operations of well known franchise brands. From these operations we seek to scale in a decentralized manner, scaling into cities around the world, and shaping the utility of our endeavor through community discussions and tokenized governance. We also intend to explore IoT and machinefi capabilities of our store operations that can be accessed by the governance token. As a social experiment, it is our duty to share our findings and experiences with the world in the emerging space of real world DAOs  

friesDAO Dernières nouvelles

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