

Created using Figma

Notre mission est d’apporter la technologie Blockchain distribuée et invariante au secteur de la logistique et du fret, afin d’améliorer la transparence de la chaîne logistique et de permettre une gestion fiable du fret, de la flotte et des transactions logistiques.
1 juin 2018
31 déc. 2018
100% terminé
Fonds levés - pas de données
Détails du jeton
Devises Acceptées
Détails supplémentaires
Les catégories
Plate-forme, Crypto-monnaie, Les services aux entreprises, Logiciel, Contrat intelligent

Sur FactR

Blockchain est un grand livre partagé et distribué qui facilite le processus d’enregistrement des transactions et le suivi des actifs dans un réseau professionnel. Avec les méthodes traditionnelles d’enregistrement des transactions et de suivi des actifs, les participants d’un réseau conservent leurs propres registres et autres enregistrements dans des systèmes qui ne s’intègrent pas toujours. Il est clairement inefficace en raison des retards dans l'exécution des accords et de la duplication des efforts requis.
Grand livre distribué
En utilisant un grand livre distribué, vos données sont sécurisées, décentralisées et permettent aux partenaires intégration et réplication entre homologues
Contrats intelligents
Les contrats Smart semi-privés basés sur des autorisations permettent de refléter vos relations et partenariats commerciaux
Instantanée Règlement
FactR signifie que vous êtes payé rapidement, comme, tout de suite! Payez moins de frais d'affacturage et réduisez les frais généraux liés à vos créances.
Notre TMS intelligent et notre application intégrée simplifient au maximum le processus de bout en bout. Facile c'est bon.

% name% roadmap

  • Complete Technical Design (TMS/Hyperledger/Stellar)

  • Complete Technical Design (TMS/Hyperledger/Stellar) of the logistics platform, smart contracts, escrows, token assignment/creation/burn and settlement via finance partners
  • Complete Token Creation

  • Create and publish/establish tokens for investemnt and utility within escrow create/transfer/burn processes on the platform and wallet.
  • Complete APIs and SDK

  • Complete APIs and SDK development, testing and deployment
  • Development (ICO) - Need KYC/AML Mechanism for RoadLaunch/FactR

  • Development (ICO) - Need KYC/AML Mechanism for RoadLaunch/FactR.
    Develop and integrate KYC/AML functionality
  • Lire la suite
  • Development - Mechanism for semi-automated token purchase/sale

  • Development - Mechanism for semi-automated token purchase/sale
    Provide users with a way to purchase/sell tokens directly from platform and wallet / SDK
  • Development - Develop secure transaction wrapping and chain of custody

  • Development - Develop secure transaction wrapping and chain of custody
  • Development - Mobile app changes for digital wallet

  • Update Mobile App with FactR wallet, other needed changes for SDK and multi part usage
  • Development - Integrate FactR SDK and associated community for partner/developer community

  • Build out multi language SDK for FactR wallet to be used in multi-industries (new wallets for new app and other applications)
  • Integrate with RoadLaunch Hyperledger/Platform

  • Integrate with RoadLaunch Hyperledger/Platform - Milestone for the TMS, Hyperledge to be able to invoke FactR wallet
  • Test Transactions / Settlement flow

  • Testing the workflow and transactions of the TMS & FactR wallet
  • User Acceptance Testing

  • User Acceptance Testing - UAT formal acceptance and signoff
  • Support technical migration and Go-Live

  • Post UAT, document and plan technical code migration for Go Live
  • Upload Wallet code to GitHub / Code Sharign for partner use to production go live

  • Provide all source code for RoadLaunch and FactR as updated/developed for approved partners

FactR Équipe

Vérifié 50%

Attention. Il y a un risque que les membres non vérifiés ne soient pas réellement membres de l'équipe

Cory Skinner
CEO & Co-Founder
Huan Jin
CTO & Co-Founder
non vérifié
Andres Trivino
South America Partnerships Lead
non vérifié
Jenny Jin
Co-Founder, Logistics SME
non vérifié
Steve Downer
Business Consultant, Blockchain
Michael Szucsik
Crypto Developer


Vérifié 33%

Attention. Il y a un risque que les membres non vérifiés ne soient pas réellement membres de l'équipe

Guillermo Ginesta
non vérifié
Justinas Januleviciu...
non vérifié


$48 502 402

Jason Cassidy

FactR Entretiens

Cory Skinner
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Our mission is to bring decentralized, immutable Blockchain technologies to the logistics and freight industry, advancing and enhancing supply chain transparency, and enabling trusted global freight, fleet and logistics transactions management.
Steve Downer
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I provide strategic consulting for RoadLaunch’s FactR blockchain logistics solution and the FactR utility token.

As of Monday July 30th, RoadLaunch and its FactR solution have now been listed on the IBM Marketplace for Intelligent & Blockchain Digital Freight:


In addition, I recently posted an article about RoadLaunch and its new FactR utility token on LinkedIn, which captures the business benefits of the FactR solution nicely:


As you can see, thanks to our recent Trans-Atlantic partnership with CargoCoin in the UK (mentioned in the article), we are now very well positioned for any outcome Brexit has to offer!

Further, the ongoing NAFTA re-negotiations and China’s massive Belt & Road infrastructural initiative, would all benefit from this solution.

It’s rare that so many global opportunities to grow a platform present themselves for a new innovation at a similar time. FactR will help bring order to the growing complexity and chaos of international trade!
Michael Szucsik
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm the lead developer for FactR. I'm responsible for making sure the technology is designed and implemented properly to be secure and easily adoptable by partners and customers.
Jason Cassidy
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My role on FactR is to leverage my seven years in the blockchain industry to assist the team in strategic development and cryptoeconomics.

FactR Dernières nouvelles

5.0 13
ICO Profil Vision Activité Potentiel Produit Équipe

% nom%

Jeremy Khoo
Group CEO | Blockchain Entrepreneur | VeChain ICO Partner | Fund Partner | Exchange Founder |

Strong Commercial project. International team with record in data, freight and tech. It is clear that the freight industry requires blockchain and FactR may be of key importance should they execute on their product well.

Lire la suite
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