Ever Sphynx

Ever Sphynx

Created using Figma
$ESP is a Defi utility token designed with the mechanics to not allow rug pulling and long term HODLing
Les données ne sont pas disponibles
Pre Sale
31 mai 2022
1 juin 2022
100% terminé
Fonds levés - pas de données
Casquette 15.00
Détails du jeton
Offre totale
Distribution de jetons
Buy-back whale: 5%
Marketing Wallet: 1%
Redistribution amongst all token holders: 3%
Burn: 2%
Détails supplémentaires
Les catégories

Sur Ever Sphynx

Why Contribute?

The BuyBack protocol that powers the stable rise of EverSphynx’s price is a concept long since proven by the stock market. In short, each sale of EverSphynx triggers an automatic buy from our liquidity pool called “the Forest,” and is followed by a controlled burn. These buy backs and burns are proportionate to the sales they are in response to, ensuring a stable rise in token price.

Along with the buyback tax of 7% that enables permanent greenery on your own portfolio, EverSphynx offers a 3% redistribution to holders.

Our Buy-Back whale is 100% community driven, YOU guys vote on polls when you want the Buy-Back whale to be initiated AND the amount you want it to be set at. .

We will burn the LP and renounce ownership after the fair launch in 1 minute! .

Ever Sphynx Dernières nouvelles

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