Wicked Crypto Meetup #9

Warsaw , Poland

Sur Wicked Crypto Meetup #9

Long awaited topic: Scalability of Blockchains, Consensus Mechanisms and Security in cryptocurrenyc exchanges and FinTech companies.

Another amazing event delivered by Wicked Crypto in partnership with Luno.

This time we will be hosting speakers from IOST (decentralized blockchain App platform), Luno (cryptocurrency wallet and exchange) and Everipedia (online encyclopedia based on EOS) will give a remote talk straight from LA!


• Sam Kazemian is an Iranian-American Software Engineer, Entrepreneur, and Blockchain Enthusiast based in Los Angeles, California. He is the co-founder and President of Everipedia, the world’s first knowledge base on the blockchain.

Everipedia will present smart contract platforms comparison, explain why they chose EOS and tell you a little bit more about Everipedia itself.

• Aaron Cunningham is Social and Community Manager at IOST.

IOST will focus its talk on the issues surrounding blockchain scalability, particularly with consensus mechanisms. The team will summarize and compare different consensus mechanisms and they will provide an overview of the IOST consensus mechanism, Proof of Believability.

• Magdalena Golebiewska spent the last decade working in the Fintech industry - building, developing and promoting financial solutions in PayU, Kreditech and TransferGo. Currently, she is a Country Manager of Eastern Europe of Luno.

Luno - a cryptocurrency wallet and exchange - will give a presentation about cryptocurrency storage, security measures taken by cryptocurrency exchanges, the KYC process in crypto related companies, transaction monitoring, cases of the security breach and when a company can pass information about customer's transactions to FBI.


Luno https://www.luno.com/en/
Fiat Based Token https://fiatbasedtoken.com/


Coinpaprika https://coinpaprika.com/
Google Campus Warsaw https://www.campus.co/warsaw/en/

Stay tuned for more info!


Sam Kazemian
Everipedia, Inc.
Aaron Cunningham
Co-founder and President of Everipedia
Magdalena Golebiewska
Country Manager of Eastern Europe of Luno


2 oct. 2018, 19:00 , CET (UTC +1)
2 oct. 2018, 22:00 , CET (UTC +1)