Jordan Web 3.0 Summit

Amman , Jordan

Sur Jordan Web 3.0 Summit

Jordan Web 3.0 Summit is the first-of-its-kind event in the Levant region for future web technology trends and innovations. JW3S aims at creating meaningful connections between governments, businesses, and communities toward better utilization of Web 3.0-based technology evolution.

As a platform for capacity building for the new era of digital assets, JW3S will explore Web 3.0 initiatives, blockchain and crypto technology innovations, NFTs and Metaverse trends, and the future of decentralized finance.

The conference will cover blockchain technology’s applications and utilization possibilities in different business sectors and its impacts on societies and communities through a carefully selected lineup of world-class keynote speakers.

Moreover, the event will feature Jordan Web 3.0 Awards, providing prestigious recognition in different blockchain and decentralized web-related categories, all voted for by an esteemed jury of international experts.

Attendees will also have the chance to get involved in the educational program, an extensive training provided by an international Web3 & blockchain educational certification institution.


Taky Lok
Associate Director of Global Operations at ATFX
Karnika E. Yashwant
Co-Founder at Forward Protocol
Pekka Kelkka
Blockchain and Cryptos advisor at top-notch Web3 projects
Amro Zakaria
Founder at Market Trader Academy
Muamar Magam
Managing Partner at Quintus LTC
Khaldoun Nusair
GM - Afaq Group
Afficher plus (5)
Anita Kalergis
CEO at Ipsum Consulting
Giacomo Arcaro
CEX & DEX Marketing Expert
Almas Jiwani
CEO at Almas Jiwani Foundation
Nitish Srivastava
AVP Sales & Strategic Alliances at Blockchain Council
Pradeep Aswal
CEO at Blockchain Council

Ordre du jour


12 March 2023

09:00 – 10:00 | Registration
10:00 – 11:30 | Recognizing the new Internet system technology which is called web3.and the difference between web1.0 , web2.0.
11:30 – 11:45 | Break
11:45 – 12:30 | Metaverse World and its relationship to the Web 3. (Future & Challenges)
12:30 – 12:45 | Break
12:45 – 13:30 | Web 3 and cryptocurrencies (the future of money)
13:45 – 15:00 | Lunch

13 March 2023

10:00 -11:15 | The ability of the big companies to control the big data and the transformation to decentralization.
11:15 -11:30 | Break
11:30 -12:45 | Web 3 and DeFi and the transformation from centralization of economic factors to decentralization.
12:45 -13:00 | Break
13:00-14:15 | Web 3, Blockchain, and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens).
14:15 – 15:30 | Lunch


12 mars 2023, 09:00 , EET (UTC +2)
13 mars 2023, 15:30 , EET (UTC +2)
InterContinental Hotel, Amman, Jordan