Hyperledger Fabric Administrator Training: Configuring and Running a Network

London , United Kingdom

Sur Hyperledger Fabric Administrator Training: Configuring and Running a Network

This two-day course provides a highly practical training on Hyperledger Fabric with 50% of lab exercises and 50% of theory lectures. You will become proficient in enterprise blockchain and fully armed to configure, set up, and manage the application life cycle. By the end of the course, you will have a DApp with a universal configuration deployed on your working station with a basic chaincode and the REST API.

Course deliverables
• Permissioned access and authority management: Membership Service Provider and Certificate Authority
• Configuring the network and the distributed ordering service
• Automated deployment of the multi-host Hyperledger Fabric with the Solo orderer and a Kafka cluster
• Application lifecycle management
• Practice with PoCs developed for popular use cases—supply chain, over-the-counter trading— to learn how business logic is implemented in the chaincode
• Covering the questions for the Hyperledger Fabric Administrator certification exam

Who should attend
• Developers writing chaincode in Golang/Java/Node.js
• DevOps engineers deploying and operating DApps on the cloud-based infrastructure
• Everyone who wants to be prepared for the Certified Hyperledger Fabric Administrator exam



Vitaliy Chernov
Enterprise blockchain solutions PM, business trainer Altoros


6 mars 2019, 09:00 , GMT (UTC +0)
7 mars 2019, 18:00 , GMT (UTC +0)
$ 1200–1500
Venue is being confirmed.