

Created using Figma
First Asset Multiplication Protocol - Get Rewards Every 15 Minutes - Auto Staking
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Sur DeFiGrow

What is DeFiGrow ?

DeFiGrow is the highest paid decentralized financial asset which rewards users with a fixed APY compound interest model through use of it’s unique FAP protocol. DeFiGrow delivers the industry’s highest fixed APY, paid every 15 minutes, and a simple buy-hold-earn system that grows your $DeFiGrow & $BUSD portfolio. DeFiGrow is the native token which interest rebase rewards are paid. Every token holder automatically receives 0.02838909% interest every 15 minutes just for holding DeFiGrow tokens – paid directly into your wallet.

DeFiGrow ’s mission is to bring new cryptocurrency concepts to mainstream investors. Unlike older, comparable projects, $DeFiGrow introduces holders to next-generation concepts such as Staking & Farming, NFTs with utility and rewards and more.
A BEP20 (BSC) project token that promotes healthy and widespread growth and usage through the ecosystem built around the $DeFiGrow brand as well as specific rewards linked to users’ transactions involving decentralized wallets and other utilities such as staking and farming.




Project & Specials : promotion of crypto-based environmental projects by projects fee, dApp integration for stake tokens.

DeFiGrow Insurance Fund: The insurance fund helps in sustaining the DeFiGrow Protocol and back the consistent 0.02838909% Positive rebase rate paid to all DeFiGrow token holders.

AUTO-COMPOUNDING: Crypto’s Highest Auto-Staking and Auto-Compounding Protocol with the biggest fixed APY 916,474% in the World. Interest rewards are compounded every 15 minutes for every wallet holding DeFiGrow token. It is backed by the Treasury.

% name% roadmap

  • Q1

  • - Project creation
    - Team building
    - Website creation
    - Smartcontract creation & test
    - Partner allianfes
  • Q2

  • - Private sale
    - Website launch
    - Telegram launch
    - Twitter launch
    - Contract & project creation
    - Community building
    - Marketing push
  • Q3

  • - FairLaunch on Pinksale
    - Lock Liquidity
    - 2,5K Telegram members
    - 2,5K Twitter user
    - Pancakeswap listing
    - Airdrop campaign
  • Q4

  • - Certik Audit
    - gecko listing
    - CMC listing
    - 10,000 Token Holders
  • Lire la suite
  • Q5

  • - 20,000 Token Holders
    - dApp development
    - 5,0K TG member
    - 5,0K Twitter user
    - Partnerships/promos

DeFiGrow Dernières nouvelles

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  • Cette information n'est pas une suggestion ou un conseil pour investir dans un financement ICO. Veuillez examiner vous-même les informations pertinentes et décider de la participation de l’OIC.
  • Si vous pensez que des problèmes ou des problèmes doivent être résolus concernant ce contenu, ou si vous souhaitez soumettre votre propre projet ICO pour figurer dans la liste, veuillez nous envoyer un courrier électronique.
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