Universal Plastic®

Universal Plastic®

Become Blue, enhance brand awareness with ONDAs via our innovative app and join our mission for ocean regeneration

Sur Universal Plastic®

We inspire and guide businesses to become catalysts for Ocean Regeneration, elevating their brand awareness and business success with end-to-end verified plastic waste collections. Our clients are visionary companies seeking to integrate environmental responsibility with the Blue Economy into their business. Whether it's a food company looking to be more environmentally committed or a logistics firm taking accountability for its environmental footprint, we work across diverse industries to foster client engagement and enhance brand value in the realm of sustainability. The blue economy is about creating jobs and opportunities while safeguarding the well-being of our oceans. We are here to help businesses to embrace environmental responsibility and become a force for positive change. Universal Plastic specialises in supporting waste collections globally, ensuring that your contributions help Ocean Defenders - the ones picking up plastic with our Web3 Application. We generate ONDAs of change (Ocean Notarised Digital Assets from plastic waste collection reports) for our clients. These ONDAs are based on our dMRV (digital measurement report and verification) system based on AI and Blockchain, ensuring high quality and transparency. Universal Plastic enables you to: 🔹Enhance your brand's involvement in environmental and social projects. 🔹Stimulate community building around ocean regeneration efforts. 🔹Align with the Sustainable Development Goals. 🔹Create corporate environmentally conscious content for social networks. Recognising that we all have an impact, it is essential to minimise the negative aspects. Take a responsible step forward and become a Blue corporation. Join us in making a positive impact.