

A Sports Betting Pool is a form of gaming where participants pay a fixed price into a pool and then make a selection on the outcome of a sporting event. The pool is evenly divided between participants that have made the prize-winning selection. There are no odds involved; each winner’s payoff depends simply on the number of participants and the number of winners.

Sur Unity888


Everything we do is because we BELIEVE in improving the sports betting industry. Its current revolution is happening now and we are the leaders shaping it. Our mission is to introduce new and improved industry standards!

From industrial, through to information age, and finally to the blockchain age, many business areas will be entirely reshaped by the rise of blockchain technology.

We KNOW it.

We are the Pioneers in this dawn of the Blockchain industrial revolution.


The way we disrupt the old fashion sports betting services is by designing our solution to be secure, impartial, user-friendly and transparent. We do not take any sides of the bet, nor do we fix odds on events.

We are here to enhance your gaming excitement and entertainment, provide a fair chance to win a prize pot, enhance fan loyalty at sports events and promote socializing by adding more fun.