The Blockchain Series

The Blockchain Series

The main idea behind THE BLOCKCHAIN SERIES (TBS) is to gather companies & entrepreneurs working with  blockchain business solutions in the financial world to share their ground-breaking work with individuals and delegates from companies, public or private institutions, and explore the pioneering uses of the blockchain in the corporate world. When payments are powered by the Blockchain, the whole business ecosystem will change.

Sur The Blockchain Series

Our expertise comes from our long time engagement with the International Money Transfers & Cross Border Payments industry and the evolution of the industry is what we have always observed & analyzed, to advise people & companies in order to adjust and prosper. Many things have changed with the growth of the industry, the increased focus on this dynamic space, the evolution and emergence of new entrants from across the digital and physical payments world, the increased movement of people across borders and the escalating technological challenges. Technology is the only answer to the evolution of financial services, insurance products, accounting, cybersecurity and most any products & services we have today.

We are thriving network of industry professionals, in every corner of the world, making sure we evolve our thinking to accommodate the changes that technology, such as the blockchain, are bringing to our professional lives, and soon later, our everyday lives.




Hugo Cuevas-Mohr
Director at IMTC, Mohr World, RemTECH Awards, The...
Salvador Velazquez
Team member
Greta Geankoplis
Team member