Terrifico Capital

Terrifico Capital

At Terrifico Capital we are beginning to receive a growing number of requests from Latin American banks to share our vision about crypto. And help them think about and discover the budding opportunities.

Sur Terrifico Capital

2021 finally arrived with much expectation for cryptocurrencies. And interesting things started to happen. For example, Elon Musk, the richest person on the planet, founder of Tesla (TSLA) among other cutting-edge companies, decided to bet big and buy $1.5 billion of Tesla's cash, in Bitcoin (BTC).

Far from being the only public company in the United States that publicly announced that it bought Bitcoin, it is also far from the first. MicroStrategy, led by Michael Saylor who founded it more than 20 years ago, made the bold decision to invest $500 million purely in Bitcoin (BTC). And the bet worked so well that not only did he multiply the money invested in the star cryptocurrency, but also the shares of his company grew even more than the price of Bitcoin. So high is the confidence that the investment market is beginning to have in cryptocurrencies.

Clearly, these moves by business leaders are not random or spur of the moment. They are the result of long internal debates to decide the course of action, defending their investors first and foremost.

These initiatives, being so publicized, generate a significant spillover effect on the market. For example, when in the quarterly update to the Stock Exchange made by the CFO of Twitter, they asked him if they were thinking of buying Bitcoin in the short term, the answer "We are evaluating it" was enough for Twitter's stock to soar 10% in the next 15 minutes of that statement.

For those who did not live, do not remember, or had no knowledge of what happened in cryptocurrencies in 2017, it was a very special year that for various reasons is believed to be forming a pattern that tends to repeat itself every 4 years. 2021 would be the year for a potential disproportionate growth in the valuation of cryptocurrencies.

Elon ended by saying in a live appearance on Clubhouse, “”I am late to the party but a supporter.” (I'm late to the (crypto) party but I'm a crypto advocate.”

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