Swiss Finance + Technology Association (SFTA)

Swiss Finance + Technology Association (SFTA)

Swiss FinteCH We are an independent association representing all stakeholders neutrally, working as a center of gravity to foster the development of the Swiss FinteCH Ecosystem

Sur Swiss Finance + Technology Association (SFTA)

Swiss Finance + Technology Association (SFTA) is the hub for FinTech in Switzerland. SFTA is an independent member-based association that aims to serve as the hub for FinTech in Switzerland. Our members are individuals connected to the Swiss FinTech ecosystem. The group is volunteer-led and engages with partners (i.e., corporates, associations, or Government) to pursue its aims. Specific aims include: - To balance with neutrality the interests of members from startups, investors, industry, or government. - To connect Swiss FinTech to leading global centers. - To offer meaningful information and content, such as directories, reports. - To advocate and mediate for a more supportive business, regulatory, and innovation environment. - To strengthen Switzerland as a Financial Centre.