Smart Insider

Smart Insider

Smart Insider analyzes share transactions made by directors and senior employees in the shares of their own company. Our specialist service gives timely and detailed insight into which transactions are most likely to indicate future share-price performance.

Sur Smart Insider

Monitoring around 60,000 companies globally across more than 60 countries, our data includes all listed stocks in markets where ‘Insider transactions’ are reported.

Following trading patterns of directors and senior managers can lead to investment outperformance but investors can’t follow every trade. Identifying the ‘Smart Insiders’ and other characteristics of the trades is essential to achieve outperformance.


Ksenia Nikitina
Sales Support at Smart Insider
Michael Tindale
CEO at Smart Insider
Bill Lattimer
Partner at Smart Insider, LLC
Syed Uzair Wasti
Insider Trade Analyst at Smart Insider