PLAAK, it's your world

PLAAK, it's your world

We aim to provied a professional and user friendly experience with an innovative and superior range of products with one goal in mind - Giving the power back to our users.

Sur PLAAK, it's your world

Our PLAAK Core is a single application with which users can download and access all of PLAAK's various services, all in one easy to navigate platform. It is the heart and soul of our ecosystem which allows our users to seamlessly interact with one another in an ultra secure and trust-less environment. Users are able to trade cryptocurrencies on our world-class currency Exchange, hire a freelance worker in their area for those odd jobs around the house or access their own personal medical records all stored safely and securely on our superior and intelligent Blockchain.


Des postes:
1 141
1 097
2 023



$85 991 290

Chai Shepherd
Co-Founder / Technology + Development
Damian Robson
Co-Founder / Operations + Marketing

45 ICOs

$274 510 713

Vladimir Nikitin
Strategic ICO Advisor

22 ICOs

$115 358 983

Phillip Nunn
Strategic ICO Advisor
Dan Litwak
Senior Security Advisor


$2 164 207

Shehab Ahmed
Strategic ICO Advisor
Barbara Bickham
Strategic ICO Advisor

39 ICOs

$189 515 133

Nikolay Shkilev
Strategic ICO Advisor
Marc Gorin
Advisor Entrepreneur
Abhishek Parashar
Lead Project Developer
Michael Arbach
Block-chain Architect / Sr. Development Advisor
Clinton Omacini
Advisor Entrepreneur Project Operations
Steve Stanley
Head Of PR marketing
Todd Carmody
Advisor of Social Marketing Strategies
Rahul Vyas
Lead Development Op. Manager
Community Manager
Anoop Singh
Projects Development Manager
Bhanu Srikanth
Design Lead
Shashi Kumar
Blockchain Engineer
Chris Pearson
Technical Support
Aditya Kashyap
Design Intern