Lottorate's mission is quite simple: to research the world's lotteries then review and rate them for players. What's unique about it? Plenty...


You will struggle to find a site that has considered more data. For each lottery, we have trawled numerous sources and processed volumes of data. Other than the obvious, we even looked at lottery licences, company financial statements and annual reports.

New data means new analysis

With complete, cross-checked and extensive 'raw data', we were then able to analyse the pros and cons of each lottery. Note that we didn't assume that lotteries can only be compared on one factor. People play a lottery for many different reasons, whether it's the size of the jackpot, the frequency of wins, value returned to players, or contribution to good causes. As players now have the choice of playing more than one lottery, those which best meet their needs will win out. You can see our overall ratings or you can also compare lotteries on your own criteria.

Clear rating system

Our unique lottoratings are not geared towards promoting one lottery or another for financial gain. They are independent. Moreover, we didn't take a view early on as to which lottery is 'best'. Instead we rated each across 15 criteria and then summed up the results to give our lottorating scores. Sure, we could have given different weightings to different criteria and included or excluded some more factors too. In this sense, all comparisons can be flawed. We have though provided you with the tools to make your own judgments too. You can, for example, order or sort all lotteries by the criteria you believe are most relevant. for your own purposes.

Industry and consumer approach

Our company is staffed with people who are both lottery players but also lottery and gaming industry veterans. We know the in's and out's of how lottery and other gaming products are designed, built and marketed. We are both poachers and gamekeepers. In this sense, we have a unique perspective that is of value to all.

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