

We are re-engineering the interaction between post-trade parties by leveraging the blockchain technology & developing a new infrastructure for SMEs in Europe

Sur LiquidShare

LiquidShare is a new independent start-up launched in July 2017 by major European Institutions with the mission to develop a European post-trading blockchain infrastructure for the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) market.

LiquidShare is the output of a consortium gathering 9 strategic investors collaborating to build the first community workflow of the financial industry



Thibaud De Maintenan...
Luc Dupont De Vieux...
Business Analyst
Emil Kirschner
Lead Architect
Maxime Tirlemont
Associate Director
Pierre-Alexandre Fil...
Lead Developper
Rabha Arhal
Business Analyst
Stéphanie Lheureux
Chief of Operations
Jean Safar

Participation à des événements