Horst Goertz Institute for IT Security

Horst Goertz Institute for IT Security

Sur Horst Goertz Institute for IT Security

The HGI, Research Department of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB), is one of the largest and oldest institutes in the field of IT security in Europe. The institute was founded in 2002 at RUB to address the Europe-wide deficits in public research on IT security.

Currently, around 160 scientists from computer science, electrical engineering, information technology and mathematics as well as the humanities and social sciences are conducting research at the Research Department IT Security.

Our research is driven by these goals and values:

Our Mission Statement

At HGI, we aim

  • to conduct pioneering and cutting-edge research and lay the foundations for future cyber security
  • to provide excellent teaching and job opportunities for young cyber security researchers
  • to protect the general public, developers and users of cyber security alike
  • to make results available to the general public and maximize societal benefit of research
  • to be an important mediator in communication and in creating awareness for cyber security
  • to be a leader in the transfer of knowledge and in creating startups
  • to be an orchestrator of IT security and business for Bochum.