

Grit Daily News is the premier startup news hub. It is the top news source on Millennial and Gen Z startups — from fashion, tech, influencers, entrepreneurship, and funding.

Sur GritDaily

Based in New York, our team is global and brings with it over 400 years of combined reporting experience. The champion of live journalism — including its own events in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto, Lisbon, Miami, and Tampa — Grit Daily’s team includes all stars and media veterans from ABC, CBS, CNN, Fast Company, Forbes, Inc., Vice, and Vox — among others.

Meet our team.

How Did We Start?

Grit Daily embodies — and covers — the change of our times. Dominated by brands, Grit Daily covers how brands make and shape the international landscape and make every effort to influence our decisions and shape the world around us.

Some brands become monopolies and get us to fall in love with them; in other cases the people behind them are filled to the brim with controversy and scandal. 

We’ve learned a thing or two in our combined 400+ combined years of reporting.

Champions Of Live Journalism.

In only its second year, Grit Daily launched annual events during Miami Art Week, Sundance, SXSW along with speaker’s dinners at CES, Web Summit, Collision, Amazon Alexa’s Voice Summit, Ascent, The Next Web and many others. 

Grit Daily also hosts monthly Business Breakfast Roundtables for executives in business and separately evening Pop-Up Fireside Summits for in-depth discussions on contemporary issues. We invite you to our events page to learn more about those opportunities to meet real journalists and hear their interviews one-on-one and panel style, live.

How is Grit Daily Funded?

Grit Daily is funded independently through our readers through subscription and, partially, our advertisers. Grit Daily maintains a standard of upholding the ethos of independent, grassroots journalism and prides itself in its ability to report fairly and free from pressure by any third party. However, that does leave us vulnerable.

Grit Daily relies on readers like you to continue working. Please subscribe to support independent journalism.

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