Emanate - Blockchain Music

Emanate - Blockchain Music

Sur Emanate - Blockchain Music

What is Emanate?

Emanate want to kick-start a global revolution in music collaboration and creation. Emanate are building the infrastructure and tools to evolve the music industry into the blockchain era, bringing a high level of trust, automation and transparency whilst aligning the incentives of all who help to make the music industry what it is. Everyone in the music industry has a role to play, from listeners, bedroom producers, The DJ’s to remixes, labels, publishers, promoters and distributors and Emanate’s platform will empower them all. Emanate aren’t disrupting today’s music industry we’re building the backbone of its future.

What are the Issues with the Music Industry today?

In a digital World ownership and transparency of Contractual agreements is becoming increasingly difficult - How can you ensure those that profit from your sounds pay you. Royalty and Right Distribution are not transparent and not automated meaning that Artists who create the most value are often left with less than those distributing. The incentives of those that participate in the Music industry are not aligned - often those that benefit the most from this industry don’t help foster talent within it.

How Does Emanate solve these issues

Emanate is building a platform that can solve many of today's problems by utilising the revolutionary technology Blockchain. Emanate’s platform will allow artists to collaborate in a transparent and trustless manner via the world’s first “Smart Collaborations”. Emanate will bring efficiency and transparency to royalty and right distributions for artists and record labels alike by automating payments immediately as music is streamed. This is all achieved in the Emanate ecosystem which is designed to align the incentives of all those that benefit and participate within it?


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Sean Gardner
James Frew
James Frew
Trent Shaw
Anthony Smith
Acting CTO
Ross Dold
Acting CTO
Chi Yusuf
Art Director
Ignatius Widjaja
EOS Developer
Blake Cannell
Full-Stack Developer
Thomas Olsen
Head of Music
Ron Radge
Creative Director
Jac Chevalley
Media and Communications Manager