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ChromaWay a mis au point une pièce de couleur originale qui constitue un moyen d'époque d'utiliser des chaînes de blocs pour les transferts d'actifs.

Depuis lors, ce site a continué à offrir des solutions avancées de chaînes de blocs pour les secteurs financier et gouvernemental.

Construit un logiciel de sécurité qui utilise la technologie de la chaîne de blocs, mais ce n’est pas l’inverse. Les chaînes de blocs ne sont pas des puces magiques, mais lorsqu'elles sont exécutées correctement, des propriétés de sécurité structurelles puissantes sont créées dans des systèmes distribués.
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Sur ChromaWay


La trajectoire de ChromaWay a commencé lorsque Alex Mizrahi, CTO et cofondateur de ChromaWay, a mis au point les & nbsp; pièces de couleur originales, la manière révolutionnaire d’utiliser la chaîne de blocs pour les transferts d’actifs. Depuis lors, ChromaWay a continué à fournir des solutions de blockchain avancées pour les & nbsp; domaines financier et gouvernemental.

Sécurité d'abord

Chez ChromaWay, nous construisons un logiciel de sécurité qui utilise la technologie des chaînes de blocs, et non l'inverse. La Blockchain n’est pas une solution miracle, mais elle permet, une fois terminée, de créer de puissantes propriétés de sécurité structurelle dans les systèmes distribués.


Notre logiciel est peu perturbant, largement compatible et conçu pour répondre aux exigences d'évolutivité et de longévité de l'entreprise.

ChromaWay Équipe

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Attention. Il y a un risque que les membres non vérifiés ne soient pas réellement membres de l'équipe

Henrik Hjelte
Co-Founder, CEO
non vérifié
Or Perelman
Co-Founder, COO
non vérifié
Alex Mizrahi
Co-Founder, CTO
non vérifié
Jörgen Modin
Chief Solutions Architect
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August Botsford
Technical Director
non vérifié
Irene Ramón Ferré
Communication and PR Manager
non vérifié
Tian Lin Shao
VP Business Development Asia
non vérifié
Todd Miller
VP Business Development USA
non vérifié
Roey Brecher
Head of Product
non vérifié
Kalle Rosenbaum
Lead Platform Developer
non vérifié
Riccardo Sibani
Senior Blockchain Consultant
non vérifié
Christopher Jämthage...
Senior Core Developer
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Rain Löhmus
non vérifié
Charlie Lee
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Richard Brown
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Vinny Lingham
non vérifié
Brad Peery
non vérifié
Correy Voo
non vérifié

ChromaWay Dernières nouvelles

5.0 2
ICO Profil Vision Activité Potentiel Produit Équipe

% nom%

Market Competitive environment
Characterized by the presence of several major well-established players, the global Market of Database Management System (DBMS) appears to be highly competitive. The global Database Management System (DBMS) Market is anticipated to accrete to USD 63 Billion by 2022, at a striking CAGR of 8 % between 2016 and 2022.
Competitors in the traditional market:
Oracle (market cap $ 194,3B);
Microsoft (market cap $ 847,9B);
Team see as competitors:
EOS (raised $ 4 bln in ICO, market cap $ 5 bln, ROI USD 5,61x);
Ethereum (raised $ 0,5 Mln in ICO, market cap $ 36,6 bln, ROI USD 1478x);
Cardano (raised $ 63 Mln in ICO, market cap $ 3,1 bln, ROI USD 49,8x);
Qtum (raised $ 14,8 Mln in ICO, market cap $ 478,6 Mln, ROI USD 24,9x);

Technological advantages:
Relational programming model with powerful query capability;
Decentralized application engine with high I/O throughput;
Separate blockchain for each application (sharding);
Inter-blockchain asset transfer (sidechains) – good for integration games into each other;
Hybrid consensus (BFT + stake + anchoring);
New safe DAPP programming language (Rell);
Upgradeable smart contracts.

The project popularity in the social networks and discussion forums
The project is detected on the radar of the next influencers: ICO Drops, Ian Balina, Wolf Crypto, MMCrypto, Lendex, DiddyCarter, Sergio, OhHeyMatty, CrushCrypto, Crypto Briefing, Crypto Calibur, PicoloResearch, Shin Chan.
Facebook: 366 followers, the average number of likes per post is 2, the average number of comments per post is 0, user activity is low.
Twitter: 2,8k followers, average number of likes per post is 10, average number of retweets per post is 3, average number of comments under the post is 2, user activity is low.
Instagram: 165 subscribers, average number of likes per post is 10, average number of comments under the post is 1, user activity is low.
Project has received controversial criticism recently. Some of influencers re-scored the project lower (for example ICO Drops turned their interest rate to Medium), while adviser Benn Godenzi is putting controversial statements on the internet.

Project has a good technological base with strong team and advisors, who have many years of experience in the blockchain development. Core technology of the product already was successfully tested by some of the strategic partners. At the same time project was re-scored because of the new (scandalous) information about huge allocation for Ian Balina ($ 2,5M) and because the number of funds raised through pools became high (this factor make chances of token price dumps higher in the future).


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Ian Balina

Chromaway, had a call with a team today, very interesting, on my radar. It's kind of a hybrid between a blockchain and a database, alright, so Chromaway is legit.

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Wolf Crypto

ChromaWay, the parent company of the platform Chromapolis, aims to create a platform allowing decentralized applications with scaling and ease of development in mind. 
Main features of the Chromapolis platform are:
- Uses a relational model so that the data can easily accessed by an application programming interface (API) and indexed and queried without performance degradation (using Rell, a query language similar to SQL).
- Scaling is solved horizontally so that each dApp gets its own blockchain, run by its own nodes. Expected transaction time of >500 TPS per sidechain.
- Uses the PBFT consensus algorithm (hardened by anchoring), a relaxed version of BFT that can handle more fault tolerance and allows transactions to be confirmed in seconds. When the number of blockchain’s validator nodes is 3f+1, a block must receive 2f+1 “votes” to be confirmed.
- As dApps are not built as smart contracts, Chromapolis does not charge transactions fees, but instead “collects fees from a dApp as a whole”.
Chromapolis hardcap is $15M for 15% of tokens sold to partners. Platform is being developed by ChromaWay, a technology company operating since 2014 in Sweden, working on blockchain platform with public and private sector actors and focused on real estate and finance.
We believe Chromapolis is one of the most interesting projects we have encountered, and give it a rating of 89.7% — top rating in our blockchain project review sheet.

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