BCharity - International Charity Exchange

BCharity - International Charity Exchange

Created using Figma
Nous avons développé le premier échange de charité international unique basé sur les technologies blockchain avec l'implémentation d'une crypto-monnaie.
D'une part, cet échange de charité réunira des fondations caritatives, des organisations et des bienfaiteurs privés du monde entier, d'autre part, tous ceux qui ont besoin d'aide peuvent partager leur problème avec le monde entier.
À l'avenir, il peut être utilisé pour l'enregistrement et le suivi des organisations caritatives en temps réel en raison de la transparence de l'information financière. Les contrats intelligents peuvent mener à un changement fondamental et éventuellement changer les méthodes traditionnelles de régulation de la charité.
Tout le monde sera en mesure de faire des dons rapidement, ce qui économise beaucoup de temps, d'efforts et facilite le processus. Tous les transferts de fonds et de dons seront «transparents» et livrés à la destination avec un anonymat complet si nécessaire.
Main Sale
1 juin 2018
30 juin 2018
100% terminé
Fonds levés - pas de données
objectif 35 000 000.00 USD
Casquette 5 000 000.00 USD
1 avr. 2018
30 avr. 2018
100% terminé
Fonds levés - pas de données
objectif 2 000 000.00 USD
Private Sale
1 mars 2018
30 mars 2018
100% terminé
Fonds levés - pas de données
objectif 1 000 000.00 USD
Détails du jeton
Devises Acceptées
Détails de l'entreprise
Pays enregistré
United Kingdom
Détails supplémentaires
Les catégories
Plate-forme, Crypto-monnaie, Charité, Santé, Contrat intelligent

Sur BCharity - International Charity Exchange

À propos de BCharity - Échange international d’oeuvres caritatives

Nous avons mis au point le premier échange caritatif international basé sur la technologie blockchain. D'une part, cet échange caritatif réunira des fondations, des organisations et des bienfaiteurs privés du monde entier. D'autre part, toutes les personnes qui ont besoin d'aide peuvent partager leurs défis avec le monde. Afin de faire votre part pour aider quelqu'un dans le monde, notre équipe conçoit une plate-forme à grande échelle par laquelle tout le monde pourra contribuer aux œuvres de bienfaisance. La mise en œuvre de la technologie de blockchain au niveau de haute qualité, transforme la manière de la réglementation des activités des organisations caritatives. À l'avenir, il pourra être utilisé pour l'enregistrement et le suivi des organisations caritatives en temps réel grâce à la transparence des informations financières. Les contrats intelligents peuvent entraîner un changement fondamental et éventuellement changer les méthodes traditionnelles de réglementation de l'organisme de bienfaisance. Tout le monde pourra faire des dons rapidement, ce qui économisera du temps et des efforts en facilitant le processus. Tous les transferts de fonds et les dons seront transparents et livrés à la destination avec l'option de l'anonymat.

% name% roadmap

  • Q3-Q4, 2017

  • The birth of the idea of ​​bcharity The study of the charity market and preparatory work.
  • Third quarter 2017

  • Birth of the idea of creating BCharity
  • March, 2018

  • Launch of PR-campaign, holding Private Sale.
  • Fourth quarter 2017

  • Study the charity market and preparatory work
  • Lire la suite
  • April, 2018

  • Conducting Pre-Sale.
  • March 2018

  • Launch of PR campaign, holding of Private Sale
  • June, 2018

  • Main Sale, MVP presentation, the development of the beta version of the platform, the introduction of blockchain technologies.
  • April 2018

  • Pre-Sale conducting
  • September, 2018

  • Presentation of the beta version and the beginning of development of a full version of the Product. Meeting with the world leaders in the field of charity.
  • June 2018

  • Main Sale, MVP presentation, the development of the beta version of the platform, the introduction of blockchain technologies
  • Q3, 2018

  • Placement of a token on stock exchanges, expansion of the company's staff, completion of development of a full-fledged version of the product, security audit.
  • September 2018

  • Presentation of the beta version and the beginning of development of a full version of the Product. Meeting with the world leaders in the field of charity
  • Q4, 2018

  • Presentation of the full version of the product, brand promotion, PR campaign.
  • The third quarter of 2018

  • Placing a token on stock exchanges, expanding the company's staff, completing the development of a full-fledged version of the product, a security audit
  • Q1, 2019

  • Presentation of the full version of the product, brand promotion, PR campaign.
  • Fourth quarter of 2018

  • Presentation of the full version of the product, brand popularization, marketing and PR campaigns
  • Q2, 2019

  • Geographic expansion, expansion of the market, access to all kinds of organizations that need charity.
  • The first quarter of 2019

  • Development of applications for mobile devices on all operating systems
  • The second quarter of 2019 and near future

  • Geographical expansion of the market expansion, access to all kinds of organizations that need charity

BCharity - International Charity Exchange Équipe

Vérifié 26%

Attention. Il y a un risque que les membres non vérifiés ne soient pas réellement membres de l'équipe

Vladislav Kolodistyy
CEO and Founder
Matthew Guignard
non vérifié
Dmitry Maslo


$1 175 523

Robby Schwertner
non vérifié
Roman Prishchip
CTO and Co-Founder
non vérifié
Anatoliy Shovkovyi
Web Designer
Max Pryvedennyi
Development in the USA
non vérifié
Mike Elnikov
Development in China
non vérifié
Alexey Potapov
Public relations
non vérifié
Andrew Kitaec
Web Analyst
non vérifié
Kostyantyn Tymoshuk
Graphic designer
non vérifié


$1 224 000

Vsevolod Lukovsky
Blockchain technology and Smart-contracts
non vérifié
Vitaliy Haltsev
Content Manager
non vérifié
Evgeniy Kovalenko


$3 003 664

Sergey Zinchenko
Director of Linguistic Department
non vérifié
Dmitriy Zhirnov
Internet Marketer
non vérifié
Carmelo Spano'
Development in the UK
non vérifié
Micah Mkombeza
Development in Africa
non vérifié

29 ICOs

$5 754 875

Timo Trippler
Development in Germany

BCharity - International Charity Exchange Entretiens

Vladislav Kolodistyy
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
It is unique project what can help to change WORLD
Dmitry Maslo
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Anatoliy Shovkovyi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm Believe in the idea of blockchain and charity,
Creating and controlling Design system for Project and first MVP version
Evgeniy Kovalenko
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
One of the best regional professionals in the field of social marketing. I have extensive experience in this field.
Timo Trippler
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
One of the best projects in Charity scene

BCharity - International Charity Exchange Dernières nouvelles

5.0 3
ICO Profil Vision Activité Potentiel Produit Équipe

% nom%

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert


This is a revolutionary charity exchange platform designed to increase the accessibility and efficiency of the charity across the world.


  • The use of blockchain technology  enables the brings up a huge potential for unbreakable trust and full transparent donations  hence providing instant financial assistance  whenever there is need without the reliance on intermediaries
  • The use of cryptocurrencies which are unrelated to the government, banks and other  financial institutions  enables instant transfer  of funds  without being withheld or cancelled to immediately impact those in need 
  • The platform  provide a global network  of organizations  and philanthropists enabling individuals in need of help to easily access assistance  through the maximum donation effectiveness
  • The platform white paper is available in many languages enabling everyone across the world to easily understand the project implications without any language barrier. The individuals  that require help can as well  use Bcharity translate to place their requests
  • The platform is white paper is well developed with clear content on the need of the platform in addressing  the need of blockchain and cryptocurrency in expanding charity organizations
  • The platform has a good team of industry experts with diversified skills and experience enabling them to leverage the available technology to unite the global eco-system of the charity.


  • The platform white paper is missing the team members as in the project website
  • The compatibility of the CHAR token with other  other cryptocurrecnies and fiat is  not highlighted
  • The platform lacks a well developed  mobile application where users can easily place their request to receive instant assistance


  • The platform technical team should generate a mobile application where the smart phone users can easily place their requests or make donations
  • The platform CHAR token should be made exchangeable with other cryptocurrencies to enable the users make donations in their favourite cryptocurrencies


The platform use empowers everyone to be philanthropist   enabling them to donate money on a micro or macro scale to transform the charity eco-system through the use of blockchain. This make the project viable and I would highly invest in it.

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News, reviews

Strengths: Howey test. Scalable roadmap. Clear vision of the market and opportunity within it. The WP is translated in 10+ languages. Team members and advisors have diverse backgrounds, strong team.

Weaknesses: team members profiles should be added to the WP. There is no FAQ on the website. An MVP of the product would be better before public sale, according to analysts from expert-coin rating. There is no competitor analysis.

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News, reviews

This platform has been developed as the maiden global charity exchange within blockchain network. On the other hand, this very charity exchange platform is trying to take the charitable donations to the tipping point by streamlining all the essential processes to an ultra-smart single-point-of-contact. On a successful deployment of this plan, people, who are in need and who want to donate, can be connected easily from any corners of the world. A fundamental change is brewing and the marketplace of charitable donations will be taken to the next level, overcoming all existing imminent problems that have been a barrier so far. So, let’s welcome the disruptive, blockchain-enabled charitable marketplace together!

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  • En raison des différences temporelles dans les mises à jour des informations, des informations précises sur chaque projet ICO doivent être vérifiées sur son site web officiel ou via un autre canal de communication.
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