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Dernière mise à jour

4 avr. 2019

ASGARD est un fonds crypto-écologique décentralisé qui finance des tâches environnementales spécifiques. Le fonds fournit aux habitants de la Terre un mécanisme de motivation unique pour rechercher des dommages cachés à l'environnement. Le fonds crée un mécanisme de motivation unique pour rechercher des crimes environnementaux cachés. Tout le monde sur le globe pourrait bénéficier de cette motivation.
  • Marché
    Volume 24H
    24H (prix)
    24H (volume)
  • Exrates
    ASG/USD 3 one year ago
    $ 0.000
  • P2B
    ASG/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 7.2E-6
    $ 7.14
  • P2B
    ASG/USD 4 one year ago
    $ 1.0E-5
    $ 4.40
  • P2B
    ASG/BTC 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0001
    $ 24.07
Pre-sale Stage 2
1 janv. 2019
31 mars 2019
100% terminé
Fonds levés - pas de données
Pre-Sale Stage 1
15 sept. 2018
30 déc. 2018
100% terminé
Fonds levés - pas de données
  • 1 ASG
    0.166 USD
Détails du jeton
Offre totale
Distribution de jetons
ASG Projects - 84%
Marketing - 10%
Team - 6%
Devises Acceptées
Contribution min.
Détails de l'entreprise
Pays enregistré
United Arab Emirates
Détails supplémentaires
MVP / Prototype
Les catégories

Sur Asgard

ASGARD est un fonds crypto-écologique décentralisé qui fournit un financement cryptographique pour des tâches environnementales spécifiques visant à réduire l’impact négatif de la pollution par les plastiques. Selon l'équipe ASGARD, jusqu'à 45% des déchets solides domestiques ne sont pas déclarés dans le monde, ce qui signifie que près de la moitié des déchets produits par l'homme ne sont pas répertoriés dans les statistiques officielles sur la production de déchets dans le monde. ASGARD ECO FUND propose un outil alternatif de financement crypté pour les projets et solutions de collecte de déchets de polymères, avec traitement ultérieur et conversion en biens industriels. Résultats attendus & ndash; Réduction annuelle de 7 à 9% du volume de déchets de polymères non déclarés.

ASGARD constitue un système efficace de motivation des habitants de la Terre pour détecter les dommages environnementaux cachés (déchets non comptabilisés et non déclarés) et voter pour sa liquidation. La récompense en jeton ASG sera utilisée pour chaque contribution des membres d’ASGARD.

ASGARD ECO FUND est basé sur une plate-forme socio-environnementale Blockchain qui donnera à tous les habitants de la Terre l'occasion de participer à l'élimination des crimes écologiques. ASGARD crée une communauté de gens raisonnés qui comprennent la nécessité d'agir pour sauver notre planète d'un désastre écologique.


ASGARD ECO FUND propose un programme alternatif de financement crypté prenant en charge des technologies efficaces et des solutions techniques vertes visant à réduire les dommages environnementaux causés par la croissance du volume de déchets de polymères non déclarés.

ASGARD ECO FUND est créé sur la base de la plate-forme socio-environnementale ASGARD et vise à créer une communauté composée de membres actifs d’ASGARD qui ne sont pas indifférents aux problèmes environnementaux au niveau mondial.

Objectifs du projet ASGARD ECO FUND:

  • Pour exclure la possibilité de dissimuler les dommages environnementaux au public. & nbsp;
  • Organiser des investissements participatifs pour les tâches environnementales prioritaires. & nbsp;
  • Éliminer les crimes contre l'environnement identifiés. & nbsp;
  • Motiver les membres de la communauté ASGARD à identifier les dommages environnementaux via les paiements de jetons ASG. & nbsp;

& nbsp;

Info technique

Projets ASGARD: & nbsp;

& laquo; RECYCLAGE ASG & raquo; & ndash; recyclage des plastiques et autres déchets conformément aux exigences techniques et aux besoins du territoire en:

* biens industriels;

* Fil de téréphtalate (PET; Terylene, Lavsan, Dacron);

* combustible récupéré (SRF / RDF), conformément à la norme EN 15359: 2011 sur les combustibles solides récupérés;

* compost pour les terres improductives et l’enrichissement du désert.

& laquo; ASG NEPTUNE & raquo; & ndash; le projet modèle visant à nettoyer les rivières, les lacs, les mers et les océans des déchets plastiques et flottants. Il comprend également le lancement des usines de recyclage. Ils utiliseront les déchets collectés pour la fabrication d’un produit fini de grande valeur.

& laquo; ASG OCEAN & raquo; & ndash; Plates-formes flottantes vertes dans l’océan pour la collecte des déchets de polymères avec son traitement ultérieur et sa transformation en biens industriels situés dans les zones de plus forte concentration de déchets plastiques flottants.

% name% roadmap

  • Q2 2018

  • ASG token creation.
  • Q3-Q4 2018

  • ASG token Pre -Sale.
  • Q4 2018

  • Airdrop.
  • Q1-Q2 2019

  • ASG blockchain creation & implementation.
  • Lire la suite
  • Q1 2019

  • ASG online exchange service.
  • Q1 2019

  • Q2 2019

  • Reverse vending machine installation.
  • Q2 2019

  • ASG NEPTUNE. ICO. ASG listing on crypto exchanges.
  • Q3 2019

  • ASG online shop. ASG Wallet.
  • Q3-Q4 2019

  • Start of ASG loans repay.
  • Q3 - Q4 2019

  • ASG investment-brokerage company.
  • Q1 2020


Asgard Équipe

Vérifié 67%

Attention. Il y a un risque que les membres non vérifiés ne soient pas réellement membres de l'équipe

Oleg Zhokhov
Nikolay Galochkin
CEO, co-founder
Elizaveta Zhokhova
PR & Media Relations, co-founder
Yan Korliakov
Design, marketing, co-founder
Sergey Vorobev
Technosphere safety and environmental engineering
non vérifié
Hassan Juma Maganga
Eco-tourism, Public Relations. Africa
non vérifié


Vérifié 0%

Attention. Il y a un risque que les membres non vérifiés ne soient pas réellement membres de l'équipe

Vladislav Zhukov
non vérifié
Linjie Chou Zanadu
non vérifié
Dmitriy Birman
non vérifié
Alexandr Kuznetsov
non vérifié

Asgard Entretiens

Oleg Zhokhov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I have been involved in waste management activity since 1987. We began with a simple waste sorting process with the aim to find a way of using sorted waste as raw materials in industrial goods manufacturing.
After 30 years of constant search for new effective technologies and manufacturing models, we came to the idea of blockchain use in the environmentally-oriented business activity.
What do you think about idea?
I am sure that the decentralized model allows excluding a possibility of concealing the environmental crimes from the public.
It will also allow people of the planet to participate in solving environmental issues for a reward in cryptocurrency ASGARD (ASG) Token for that.
Nikolay Galochkin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am a team member of our digital environmental project first. One of my main goals is communication with venture funds and other entities interested in our ICO targets achieving.
What do you think about idea?
Crypto assets are our modern reality. We decided to connect our 30 years experience in the environment-oriented private business activity as our professional background and knowledge base & crypto financing opportunities. We believe that today is the right time to connect "virtual" with reality. Environment, ecology... let`s care about using crypto assets!
Elizaveta Zhokhova
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am a co-founder of ASGARD ECO FUND, supporting the project from the birth of the original idea. In our team, I am responsible for PR & Media Relations.
What do you think about idea?
The idea of ASGARD ECO FUND is quite unusual for the world of ICO projects as we are aiming to solve severe environmental issues using innovative Blockchain technologies. ASGARD ECO FUND provides funding for specific ecological tasks, contributing to the elimination of environmental damage. Apart from that, ASGARD creates a community of reasonably-thinking people ready to take action to protect our planet. I believe that this idea is the solution we needed to be able to not only talk about the environment but do something real to save it.
Yan Korliakov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
In our project I'm responsible for design, marketing and social media content. Also, I'm a co-founder of the project and took part in the development of the idea of ASGARD ECO FUND
What do you think about idea?
I believe that ASGARD ECO FUND is a great tool for everybody to participate in fighting against environmental crimes. This project can significantly contribute to protecting our planet.

Asgard Dernières nouvelles

$ 7.41E-6
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
$ 7.35
Circ. Supply:
ICO profit
X 0.0001
ICO Price~$0.0830

% nom%

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

Decentralized international crypto fund «ASGARD» is a blockchain based crypto fund, created for the financing with cryptocurrency assets of ecological projects and programs focusing on ecological damage liquidation after uncovering of such environmental impacts by the ASGARD eco fund participants. ASGARD provides alternative financing of technologies which have been tested over decades with a focus to the environmental damage elimination, caused by undeclared plastic wastes. The creation of the decentralized cryptoecological fund ASGARD supported by the cryptocurrency ASGARD (ASG) token.


  • Project objectives:
  1. to exclude the possibility of hiding an identified environmental damage from public;
  2. to arrange crowd investing for priority environmental programs;
  3. to eliminate identified crimes against the environment.
  • The project team is going to create an interactive application (desktop & mobile versions) on ASGARD platform for ASG members. Participants upload a photo or video materials of a place of environmental harm and ASG blockchain verifies and approves data received. Revealed environment damages are synchronized on geolocation basis and recorded in ASG interactive map. ASGARD eco fund finance the liquidation of environmental damages found by ASG members.
  • The unique feature of ASGARD platform is an effective system of the motivation of Earth's inhabitants in finding of hidden environmental damages and in voting for its liquidation. The more intense the identification of environmental violations, the faster the volume of waste reduces worldwide and, as a result, the higher reward in digital ASG crypto token receive ASG members.
  • ASG decentralized system guarantees full ASG members anonymity (freedom from any pressure after revelation and download of environmental damage proof) as well as data protection from changes, deletion and blockage.
  • ASGARD financing strategies will cover: waste collection and recycling ocean platforms; organic farming; recreational facilities in environmentally healthy areas; ecologically focused activities; promotion of recycled materials as raw in goods manufacturing and use of articles made from recycled etc.
  • Online financial facilities for ASG token holders will include automatic exchange service in ASG blockchain, ASG investment-brokerage company. Bonus system will be available too.
  • ASGARD team has a thirty-year experience in a professional waste management area.
  • The project documentation (white- and greenpaper) provides all the necessary information in a clear and logical way. It is available in English and Russian.


  • Every ICO is accompanied by certain risks for investors. Unfortunately, ASGARD whitepaper does not contain information about legal or other possible risks.
  • ASGARD facilities will be ruled in accordance with the ASGARD factory`s place of activity. This factor may cause difficulties in the management of plants and platforms, spread all over the world.
  • To implement all plans into practice, ASGARD project should attract a large number of investors and an even greater amount of money, which can be rather difficult.


  • Rewrite an official whitepaper in order to add information about risks.
  • Develop a project to make it competitive and attractive to investors.


ASGARD ECO FUND is established for the crypto financing of environmental projects and programs, focusing on the elimination of environmental damage identified by ASG members. ASGARD solves the problem by offering an alternative digital financing tool for small and medium-sized enterprises professionally involved in waste management. This makes the project promising and I would invest in its development.

Lire la suite
Dec 27 2018
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