Accounting Blockchain

Accounting Blockchain

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29 juin 2018

Comptabilité Blockchain ICO

La plate-forme TAB est conçue pour connecter les entreprises des organisations du monde entier et fournit une base fiable et commune à toutes les entreprises du réseau. | Il est spécialement conçu (pour poursuivre la conception) afin d'optimiser l'efficacité de la comptabilité et de protéger de manière permanente les données stockées. Tous ces attributs positifs sont obtenus grâce aux progrès de la technologie de la chaîne de blocs.
juil., 2018
sept., 2018
100% terminé
Fonds levés - pas de données
objectif 64 400 000.00 USD
Casquette 4 000 000.00 USD
Bouchon dur 64 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 TAB
    0.01 USD
Détails de l'entreprise
Pays enregistré
Détails supplémentaires
Les catégories

Sur Accounting Blockchain

Les entreprises du monde entier enregistrent leurs transactions séparément les unes des autres, créant ainsi une duplication des tâches tout au long de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, générant des coûts de rapprochement importants et risquant des fraudes et des erreurs à chaque maillon de la chaîne. Comptabilité Blockchain permettra aux logiciels comptables utilisés par les entreprises de s’intégrer, supprimant ainsi cet effet comptable isolé estimé à des milliards de dollars par an pour le secteur mondial & nbsp; et empêche les comptables de consacrer tout leur potentiel au travail de création de valeur.

La suite AB Fingertips & nbsp; associe de manière transparente la technologie blockchain à la manière dont les affaires se déroulent aujourd'hui, préparant les entreprises pour demain et sauvant tous les types d'entreprises. beaucoup de temps et d'argent dans le processus. La suite AB Fingertips est la voie à suivre pour les entreprises souhaitant s'intégrer à la chaîne d'approvisionnement via la blockchain et introduire la manière future de faire des affaires en utilisant des cryptomonnaies de manière transparente dans leur modèle économique et leurs pratiques comptables.

AB Taxavance & nbsp; permet de réduire la dépendance vis-à-vis des fiscalistes en jouant le rôle d'assistant fiscal 24h / 24 et 7j / 7, mis à jour intelligemment avec les paramètres fiscaux par les leaders de l'industrie mis à jour en permanence avec des données de trading cryptées.

% name% roadmap

  • August 2016

  • Accounting Blockchain concept development and focus groups
  • September 2016 - July 2017

  • In depth market and blockchain research
  • July 2017 - December 2017

  • Feasibility Studies
  • January 2018

  • Team recruitment commencement
  • Lire la suite
  • February 2018

  • Consultant engagement for tokenomics
  • March 2018

  • Won ESTS Initiative ICO Competition
  • May 2018

  • Commencement of private placement
  • July 2018

  • ICO Start
  • September 2018

  • End of ICO
  • December 2018

  • AB Fingertips Suite Alpha Version
  • February 2019

  • Official lauch of AB Fingertips Suite
  • June 2019

  • AB Taxavance Official Launch
  • July 2019

  • Open testing of Balockchain
  • December 2019

  • The Accounting Blockchain Official Launch

Accounting Blockchain Équipe

Vérifié 64%

Attention. Il y a un risque que les membres non vérifiés ne soient pas réellement membres de l'équipe

Nathaniel Borg
Founder & CEO
Daniel Cutajar
Founder & COO
Christian Deguara
Karl Schranz
Tokenomics Leader
Christian Ellul
Legal Consultant
non vérifié
Franco Falzon
Head of Taxation Division
non vérifié
Christopher Zerafa
Blockchain Researcher
non vérifié
Peter Borg
Accounting Compliance Specialist
non vérifié
David Seisun
Team Blockchain Leader
Matthew Croker
Scrum Master
Kris Cardona
Blockchain Strategic Expert
Dr. David Wain
Legal Consultant
non vérifié
Keith Seisun
Senior Business Systems Analyst
Keith Hili
Business Development Manager


Vérifié 0%

Attention. Il y a un risque que les membres non vérifiés ne soient pas réellement membres de l'équipe

Steve Tendon
Blockchain Strategy Advisor
non vérifié
Philipp Sauerborn
Fianacial Advisor
non vérifié

Accounting Blockchain Entretiens

Nathaniel Borg
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As a CPA and registered auditor, I am looking forward to revolutionise the accounting process. All companies across the globe spend so much money on a yearly basis in their accountancy fees and audit fees. This is costing the global economy billions of dollars on a yearly basis.

Not anymore! With the integration of Accounting Blockchain, companies can start saving precious time dedicated to accounting and money immediately without having the need to change their accounting software. Businesses will now be integrated together in their accounting, having a never before trusted common ground. This is only possible now due to the advent of Blockchain breakthrough technologies.

As the CEO I will make sure that our vision and mission are always respected and by continuing to develop even further applications to solve more accounting problems.

Let's revolutionise accounting with the help of our ever growing community!
Daniel Cutajar
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I will make sure our mission of empowering businesses and individual with Blockchain technology in their accounting process is implemented in the most efficient and effective way. Leading the operations of our highly motivated team has been a pleasure and we are all looking forward to see our solutions develop and grow on a global scale and make a real difference in the lives of people.

While studying management at the University of Malta, I have focused my energies in identifying areas where application of technology can make a real difference in the business process. Since then, in my 18 years experience in entrepreneurship, I have witnessed tremendous improvement in business processes, however, unfortunately, accounting procedures have remained highly inefficient.

Blockchain technology provides the key to revolutionize the very way businesses trade along the supply chain, and provides a giant leap in increased efficiency along with reduction in duplication of work, errors and fraud. All our team strongly believes our business plan will bring this empowering technology to everyone without the present high entry barriers and ultimately result in great savings to businesses and a healthier global economy.

This motivates me to work hard and make sure our team is led in the right direction to make a real difference in the lives of our customers.
Christian Deguara
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My main responsibility is to ensure that the technology aspects of the company are running as smoothly as possible and that the company's targets, especially software related are successfully reached. To achieve this, I make sure that there are proper communication lines open with the rest of the tech team so as to ensure that the right technology is used for a particular task, that software is designed properly, which is extensible and scalable. I also verify that our systems go through proper security audits and that nothing goes out to the general public if it does not pass Quality Assurance. Finally, I ensure that all of this can be done within the allocated time and budget.
Karl Schranz
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
The Accounting Blockchain embraces all of what blockchain is about, creating efficiency and trust through decentralisation. This project will create the first real global use of Blockchain as it will significantly impact efficiency of operations of all organisations. No business, no matter what size, will afford not to make it part of it’s daily accounting practice.
David Seisun
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am in charge of the Blockchain Team within Accounting Blockchain designing and building the structures of the system. I am sure that with my accounting and IT experience, this project will be as success.
Matthew Croker
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
The Accounting Blockchain project is proposing blockchain as a technology to solve a problem within the heart of our world economy, which is reconciliation. My background is both technical as well as how to assist a group of people form to an excellent, high performing team.
Kris Cardona
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Blockchain is the next step in the evolution of global industries and here at Accounting Blockchain we aim at being pioneers in developing platform for the future to come.
Keith Seisun
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I believe that its a good idea
Keith Hili
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Traditional book-keeping originated around 12th century.

Whilst businesses seek to minimize costs through efficiency and increase profits, little was done to reduce costs when recording transactions.
Accounting Blockchain will support and enhance businesses to become integrated and eliminate duplication of work reducing potential fraud and errors whilst of course reduce costs to organizations.

Therefore Accounting Blockchain is the new way for doing business.  

My role as Business Development is to ensure that Accounting Blockchain reaches the full potential of this solution

Accounting Blockchain Dernières nouvelles

5.0 4
ICO Profil Vision Activité Potentiel Produit Équipe

% nom%

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert


TAB platform is designed to connect together businesses accounting for organizations from all over the world thus providing a trusted common ground for all the companies in the network.  |It is specifically designed (and will with time be additionally engineered) to optimize accounting efficiency and safeguard stored data forever. All these positive attributes will be achieved thanks to advancement in blockchain technology.


  • The platform is custom-made blockchain infrastructure designed specifically for smart contract and accounting triple entries.
  • Since it is designed from the ground up TAB will enable efficient transaction recording. The latest blockchain incorporated will maximize efficiency.
  • Even though it will be available to everyone globally, TAB is only intended for accounting purposes and hence there will be no clutter and performance issues.
  • This ecosystem enables businesses to save billions of dollars annually by involving third-party businesses in their accounting processes.
  • The date written on the TAB cannot be modified; this safeguards collusions by managers with shareholders with the view of skewing negative auditing results to paint;
  • Whitepaper; it presents information in a very attractive and logical manner. The images used and pictorial representations are also great.
  • The Team; the enormous strength of TAB rests in the unique blend of expertise of team members with considerable experience in accounting, computer and business fields


  • TAB does not take care of other important tasks in organizations like production control, procurement, and staffing.
  • All the team members are of the same gender (makes) and perspectives of ladies may be missing in the system.
  • Details on AB token price in subsequent offerings, as well as the exchange rate for most common cryptocurrencies, are not available.


1.    The platform should be diversified to take care of other vital processes in an organization.

2.    Increase the ratio of female among the team members to create a balance thus enriching the system.

3.    Include more details about AB tokens, including prices in second and subsequent offerings.


The Accounting Blockchain takes care of the most crucial aspects of originations capable of making business save billions of dollars. The savings makes the platform worth its price. Given its usefulness, I will invest in TAB.

Lire la suite
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