

Created using Figma
TypeIT is Web3 keyboard that enables users to earn passive income by conducting day-to-day typing activities.
Data is not available
Jun 28, 2023
Jul 6, 2023
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Token Details
Total supply
1 billion
Token Distribution
In the first year, there will be a monthly reduction of 10% in token release, and subsequent reductions will be determined through community voting. The allocation of tokens is as follows: 50% (500 million tokens) for Type to Earn production, 10% (100 million tokens) for investment institutions, with a lock-up period of 3 months and a linear release over 24 months.
Additionally, 2% (20 million tokens) will be allocated for the IEO, fully unlocked upon the Token Generation Event (TGE), and 0.5% (5 million tokens) for the IDO, also fully unlocked upon TGE. The team will receive 14% (140 million tokens), with a lock-up period of 6 months and a linear release over 60 months.
1% (10 million tokens) will be reserved for airdrops and activities, with a linear release over 60 months. Partners and advisors will receive 2.5% (25 million tokens), with a linear release over 24 months. The treasury and reserves will hold 15% (150 million tokens), with a linear release over 60 months. Lastly, 5% (50 million tokens) will be allocated for liquidity, with a linear release over 60 months.
Additional Details
Business services

About TypeIT

Type!t is a revolutionary new keyboard that allows users to earn a passive income simply by using it to conduct their day-to-day typing activities. This innovative keyboard has converted keyboard themes into non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, which users can own and use to earn tokens as they type.

But Type!t is more than just a keyboard – it is also an NFT ecosystem that incorporates both SociFi and GameFi aspects. This means that users can not only use the keyboard to earn passive income, but they can also participate in social and gaming activities within TypeIt! ecosystem.

One of the key features of Type!t is its decentralized solution for copyright. This allows users to create their own keyboard themes, emojis, and gifs without any barriers, and then claim the copyright for the items they have created. This means that users can truly express themselves creatively and then reap the rewards of their creations.

Type!t is more than just a tool for typing – it is a whole new way of earning income and participating in the digital economy. With Type!t, every word really does count.

TypeIT Roadmap

  • Q2 2022

  • In Q2 2022, the project will be in the research and preparation stage. This will involve gathering information and resources, developing a plan, and getting everything in place for the project kick-off in Q3 2022.
  • Q3 2022

  • During Q3 2022, the project will officially kick-off. This will likely involve starting work on the various components of the project, such as the Type!t mobile app.
  • Q4 2022

  • In Q4 2022, the Type!t mobile app will have a limited beta release featuring the "type-to-earn" function and NFT trading. This will allow a select group of users to test the app and provide feedback to the development team.
  • Q1 2023

  • In Q1 2023, the Type!t mobile app beta will be launched to a wider group of users. This version of the app will include the NFT incubation and blind box features.
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  • Q2 2023

  • In Q2 2023, the Type!t app will be officially launched to the public. This version of the app will include the NFT lending market, time capsule, and GameFi features.
  • Q3 2023

  • In Q3 2023, the Type!t V2 beta will be released, featuring emoji NFT creation and multi-chain wallets. This will allow users to test out the new features and provide feedback to the development team.

TypeIT Last News

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