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TREEEC MONEY ICO makes it possible to do business with countries all over the world at all stages of development. We use smart commit agreement methods to ensure that partners do not need bank loans and export insurance and are not convincing of doing regional, national, international business without the risk of malicious department loss We developed a tool. TREEEC MONEY (TRM) is a sovereign money based on its own advanced block chains, supporting the alternative value. Smart contracts can be integrated. TRM has real value and can be exchanged for value based stock or regular money at any time.
Public Sale
Jul 12, 2018
Jul 15, 2018
100% completed
$6 673 540
0% cap completed
Cap 1 200 000 000.00 EUR
Internal Sale
Jun 25, 2018
Jun 11, 2019
100% completed
$3 593 003
hard cap
30% cap completed
Cap 10 000 000.00 EUR
Hard cap 1 200 000 000.00 EUR
  • 1 TRM
    12 EUR
Company Details
Registered Country
Additional Details
Cryptocurrency, Business services, Smart Contract


TREEEC WORLD PROJECT means a new economy and a new world based on real values and on cooperation, trust and fairness. Financial and economic crisis made by unbridled speculation and interest-driven politics must have an end.

With TREEEC MONEY (TRM) and connected advanced blockchain solutions we give finance and economy a solid basis. Even more we want to change economic thinking and transform Capitalism into the value based Valorism.

TREEEC is consequently oriented to support its members and partners in achieving their personal, economic and financial goals. Nevertheless we believe that we have a responsibility to care for the communities, where we live and that help us flourish.

TREEEC is a privately held supranational economic and financial system and an organization of a special kind with co-operative structures and a foundation in the background.


  • Q3 2018

  • The TREEEC ICO starts.
    Project-ICOs with „dedicated“ TREEEC MONEY start regularly.
    Invitation of Active Partners within Germany, Austria and Switzerland for national and regional representation and development
    Begin of our worldwide program „Become freelance Employee of TREEEC“
  • Q4 2018

  • The Beta version of the settlement platform T:XCHANGE with T:ACCONTS for members with basic features will be available. From now TREEEC MONEY (TRM) can be used.
    Invitation of Active Partners within the rest of Europe for national and regional representation and development
    The lead project RES:Q starts.
    The lead project TREEEC ARTS starts.
    The lead project BizFactory starts.
  • Q1 2019

  • The next version of the settlement platform T:XCHANGE will be available, with the T:ACCOUNTs now supporting more features for members and basic features for Business Partners .
    Invitation of Active Partners worldwide for representation and development
    Begin of Invitation of Business Partners worldwide
    Establishment of the legal structures of TREEEC in the United States
    The lead project PanTerre starts.
    The lead project KDAB starts.
    Projects from outside connected with TREEEC start
  • Q2 2019

  • The final version of the settlement platform T:XCHANGE will be available. The use of TREEEC MONEY (TRM) is possible worldwide.
    The lead project LivingWorks starts.
    The lead project XPLOR starts.
    The TREEEC ICO ends.
  • Read More
  • 2020

  • A new stage of financing and developing TREEEC starts by integration of the first institutional investors und funds changing their investments from speculation to value based assets.
    Establishement of the TREEEC continental headquarters together with strategic partners
    Spread of TREEEC MONEY all over the world. Establishing TREEEC within the regions connected to the lead projects
    The “TREEECLAND Initiative” for free trade / special economic and living zones in developing countries, in disaster regions and close to refugee camps starts.
  • 2021

  • Consolidation of TREEEC and its members and partners as serious players in the economic world.
    Further worldwide, national and regional development
    Since then TREEEC will have shown its importance and necessity for economical development in most of the regions in many countries worldwide and the abilities of TREEEC and TREEEC MONEY in cases of crisis and disasters.
    TREEEC establishes the “International Parliament of the Regions” with elected representatives to accompany TREEEC In future.


Verified 9%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Tai Kriegeskotte
The idea giver, innovator and visionary thinker of...
Johan Obdola
The expert in global security topics and co-initia...
Reiner Dammann
Daniel Buth
The entrepreneur on the pulse ot time and CEO of t...
Jörg-Rüdiger Fischbe...
The experienced tax professional and designated me...
Torsten Mark
The head of the organisational development and lev...
Miranda Rambau-Reijn...
The communicative head of the member area, women’s...
Ilian Nazkov
The economist and convinced warrior for internatio...
Harald Schmitt
The banker with a wealth of experience who knows t...
Niklas Radzey
The expert in communication and marketing and spec...
Christoph Merten
The experienced journalist with international back...


Torsten Mark
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am responsible for the coordination and construction of the individual project areas.


  • Due to potential time differences in information updates, please verify the accuracy of each ICO project through its official website or other official communication channels.
  • This information is not intended as a recommendation or suggestion for ICO investment. Please conduct thorough research on the relevant information and make your own informed decision regarding ICO participation.
  • If you identify any issues or errors in this content, or if you wish to submit your own ICO project for listing, please contact us via email at
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