The Defiant

The Defiant

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The Defiant curates, digests, and analyzes all the major developments in Web3 and DeFi.
To be announced
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About The Defiant

The Defiant curates, digests, and analyzes all the major developments in decentralized finance, so that you can stay informed and smart about the most cutting-edge and fastest-changing corner of crypto and finance. We're delivering journalism with authority; objective, data-backed, primary-source, reported pieces, written by insiders who can also provide informed analysis on the latest moves.


The Defiant Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Camila Russo
Alp Gasimov
Devin Sawyer
Sales & Partnerships
Tim Dejeron
Sales & Partnerships
Jack Dunham
  • Due to potential time differences in information updates, please verify the accuracy of each ICO project through its official website or other official communication channels.
  • This information is not intended as a recommendation or suggestion for ICO investment. Please conduct thorough research on the relevant information and make your own informed decision regarding ICO participation.
  • If you identify any issues or errors in this content, or if you wish to submit your own ICO project for listing, please contact us via email at
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