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Investments in the real sector of the economy through the use of blockchain technologies
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  • Wx.network
    SWECCOIN/WETH 5 one year ago
Mar 1, 2018
Sep 30, 2018
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
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Platform, Health, Manufacturing

About SwecCoin

Blockchain technologies have found their way into our everyday lives, but there are very few projects that bring real benefits. Sorgin project combines the production of harmless organic fertilizers with blockchain technologies. The agrochemicals market is 70 billion dollars and is growing annually. About a year from now, the value of the SwecCoin token, according to experts' forecasts, will be at least 3 times higher.

The project is based on the idea of industrial production of the organic-based plant growth promoter SORGIN and its further introduction into the global agricultural market and expansion of the project using blockchain technology.

SwecCoin Roadmap

  • 2008

  • Development of the concept of Sorgin project on the basis of Research institutes.
  • 2009

  • Production of the Sorgin. Conducting field tests in Europe and Asia. The result is positive.
  • 2010

  • Development of Sorgin mineral constituent. Conducting industry research on an area of 100 hectares. Tests have been carried on different varieties of plants.
  • 2013

  • Participation in conferences and seminars on agriculture.
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  • 2015

  • Expansion of the list of plants.
  • 2017

  • Preliminary Agreement on cooperation with China, South Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and European countries.
  • 2018

  • Holding the pre-ICO and ICO.
    Development of technical documentation.
  • 2019

  • Plant organization on the territory of the economic comfort zone. Obtaining international production certificate and the beginning of production.
    Development of an IT program to process QR codes and optimize rewards with SwecCoin tokens at all levels of the ORGANIX promotion.
    The beginning of the SwecCoin tokens buyback.
  • 2020

  • Entering into the full production. Increase in the application area of the product to 1 000 000 hectares.

SwecCoin Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Zhdanov Artem
Baryatinsky George
Biotechnologist, Manager
Bashtonov George
Specialist in Public Relations
Rosalenok Tanya
Project Consultant Senior Researcher
Syrodun Victor
Economist, Financial Analyst
Oliver Suzoni
Financial analyst. IT specialist
Kanelli Tanya
Isochenko Ivan
IT specialist
Albert Kurbatov
IT-System Administrator PR-Marketing
Tokmashev Eugene
Lawyer, legal consultant of the project

SwecCoin Last News

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