$SPONGE is the No. 1 community token allowing degens to absorb the damp. Buy $SPONGE - the only meme capable of soaking up the competition!
Install MetaMask, Trust Wallet, or any other suitable crypto wallet from the App Store or Google Play. Desktop users can install the Chrome extension from MetaMask.io.
To buy $SPONGE, you’ll need ETH in your wallet to swap. Buy ETH directly in MetaMask, transfer from another wallet, or buy on an exchange and withdraw it to your wallet. Use the ERC-20 network.
You can connect to Uniswap directly above. We’ve embedded Uniswap on Sponge.vip to save you a couple of steps and take you straight to the correct pair to buy $SPONGE. If using your own browser, make sure it’s the official Uniswap site, select token, and paste the official $SPONGE token address: 0x25722Cd432d02895d9BE45f5dEB60fc479c8781E
Once you have ETH in your wallet, swap your desired amount for $SPONGE. Make sure you have enough ETH left over to cover gas fees. Review the transaction details and confirm. You’re now absorbing the damp!
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
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We list token sales from entities with which we have no relationship to help users track overall activity within the token sector. This information is not intended as advice, and you should seek professional or specialist guidance or conduct your own due diligence before making any decisions based on our content.
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