SpectrumNetwork Inc.

SpectrumNetwork Inc.

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SpectrumNetwork is a hybrid GIS platform that uses block chain technology to implement seamless visualization and distribution of geospatial data in an unreliable and distributed manner. Through easy-to-understand agreements, geospatial data can be accessed more easily. The true purpose of cryptography is to enable a fair and open economic system. SpectrumNetwork Token (SPEC) was designed with this goal in mind for public interest. The SPEC utility token is a valuable asset for building a cheap, open, reliable, user-friendly block chain based system. This removes reliance on brokers and intensive approaches by regulators.
  • Market
    Volume 24H
    24H (price)
    24H (volume)
  • Saturn Network
    SPEC/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0442
    $ 1.47
  • Coinlim
    SPEC/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 6.7E-7
  • EtherFlyer
    SPEC/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 1.67E-6
  • TokenJar
    SPEC/WETH 5 one year ago
  • FatBTC
    SPEC/FAT 5 one year ago
    $ 9.5E-6
  • YoBit
    SPEC/USD 5 one year ago
    $ 1.3E-5
    $ 5.68
  • YoBit
    SPEC/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 3.0990512242258E-5
    $ 8.44
3 weeks
Jul 30, 2018
Aug 20, 2018
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
5.4 K
Goal 1 400 000.00 USD
Cap 1 400 000.00 USD
  • 1 SPEC
    0.005 USD
Token Details
Accepted Currencies
Company Details
Registered Country
Additional Details
Yes , from Jul 29, 2018 till Aug 20, 2018
Cryptocurrency, Virtual Reality, Entertainment, Internet-technology, Software, Communication, Smart Contract, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence

About SpectrumNetwork Inc.

SpectrumNetwork is a GIS based hybrid blockchain system, designed in line with the ERC20 ethereum algorithm, to harness the dApp functionalities. SpectrumNetwork has designed SPEC utility tokens; which comprises spatial signatures along with a proof-of-location module: to bridge a recurring gap between geospatial data collation and cost management. In casual contexts, geo-refrenced vector quantities of the earth are now more to say, in a decentralized cryptographic token. 

Geospatial Technology has been all about Data, Data and Data, exclusively controlled by centralized entities, all with proprietary rights. The future of geospatial technology is not in the centralised control of spatial data. An unequivocated access to spatial data is of crtitical importance to ensure openness. By harnessing SpectrumNetwork"s hybrid GIS blockchain technology; ensuring the availability of valid spatial data will be possible and verifiable by a smart contract. In totality, the need for middlemen or central control will be gone. This will ensure an autonomous control of spatial data, cheaper acquisition, resilience, accountability, elimination of fraught, errors and inconsistencies; while still preserving data integrity and maintaining the geospatial bond within blockchain architecture. Spatial Data tokenization in form of SPEC tokens, will create an open decentralized ecosystem with a hybrid infrastructure. This will thereby open up the GIS Market globally to a broad pool of trust and efficiency. 

The two key characteristics of a blockchain are trust and immutability. This is lacking in centralised geospatial databases and its applications, since data as well as transactions are prone to falsification. For example, in urban land registry, there is usually no established trust and a need for openness. The weakest links, in the form of data record officers, centralized geospatial data repositories and spatial-data generating bodies; are prone to corruption. These middle men will be eliminated with an implementation of a hybrid blockchain system, this is what SpectrumNetwork offers. The potential of SpectrumNetwork's hybdrid blockchain module in a geospatial ecosystem, will generally enforce a consensus agreed upon trust, verifiable through a smart contract; making immutable blockchain tools available for geospatial data distribution via SPEC tokens.


Geospatial data visualization.

Partnerships in building up network density for token utility.

Data security could be guaranteed through SPEC token.

Geo-Location analytics at scale.

Shared assets via SpectrumNetwork's hybrid system, using open source web3 functions.

Geodata analysis and processing utilizing SPEC tokens as point data.

Decentralizing the centralized registry of real estate and property, eliminating all middle entities.

Utilizing SPEC tokens as demographic assets.

Simplifying Property/Land ownership. This is owing to the geodesic cell gridding algorithm encoded in SPEC tokens, uniquely differentiating spectral cells of the earth’s surface, and being able to register land ownership on a blockchain. Consequently, owning SPEC tokens, corresponds to owning a valuable code portion of the earth.

Technical Info

Algorithm; ERC20

Decimal: 18

Symbol: SPEC

SpectrumNetwork Inc. Roadmap

  • Q1-March 2018

  • Brand conceptualization and data collation by founders
  • Q2-May 2018

  • Project evaluation and market analysis by the R&D team(
  • Q2-June 2018

  • Airdrop and Bounty Campaign
  • Q2-July 2018

  • Website deployment
  • Read More
  • Q2-July 2018

  • token pre-sale
  • Q2-August 2018

  • Escrow Wallet Development
  • Q2-August 2018

  • API development for geo-visualization dApp
  • Q3-September 2018

  • Product Debugging
  • Q3-September 2018

  • Hybrid module beta test
  • Q3-October 2018

  • Expand team- Recruitment for PURESCRIPT devs
  • Q3-November 2018

  • Leverage on paterniships to build up network density
  • Q1-February 2019

  • Deploy API extensions for enterprise geospatial softwares (ArcGIS, ENVI, IDRISI)

SpectrumNetwork Inc. Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Robert J Mills
Andrew Collin
Technical CTO/Co-Founder
Luca Fong Chan
Blockchain Expert
Peter Haddrill
Geo-Design Expert


Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Mary Mills
Legal Advisor
Martha Simmons
Cyber Security Advisor

SpectrumNetwork Inc. Last News

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