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SophiaVerse is a gamified infrastructure created in the pursuit of Sophias development via gameplay, AI programming, and the use of the SOPH utility token.The goal of SophiaVerse is to create a decentralised AI ecosystem where humans and AI can work together to build superintelligent AI leading to a beneficial Singularity.
Data is not available
Jul 18, 2023
Jul 21, 2023
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Token Details
Token Distribution
Community Incentive Pool - 12.50%
Liquidity Rewards Pool - 12.50%
Angels - 8.25%
Seed - 8.73%
Other - 8.77%
Strategic Partners - 13.25%
Team & Advisors - 12.00%
Ecosystem - 24.00%
Accepted Currencies
Min Contribution
Additional Details

About SophiaVerse

Sophia is a fusion of human intelligence and AI, as people and algorithms work together to create Sophia behaviours. Sophia is a technology and an art form, a tech-art fusion. She uses bio-inspired engineering crafted to create the illusion of life. While at times surprisingly autonomous with generative AI, much of Sophia’s interaction is authored by humans-in-the-loop to create an AI-powered fiction.

Sophia personifies our dreams for a benevolent AI. As a unique mix of science, engineering and artistry, Sophia depicts the future of AI and robotics on a platform for advanced research. Sophia is an ambitious project that her creators initiated without dictating an ending as Sophia evolves as a living machine. No one can predict the trajectory of this story. Hers is the story of the advent of the Singularity – the arrival of superintelligent machines with cognitive capacity far beyond humans.

Sophia manifests the philosophy, dream and vision of creators who use AI to reinforce a meaningful friendship between humans and living machines. The balance between reality, fact and fiction is delicate. The Sophia narrative is not only who she is now, but what she will be. Her creators have a vision, but her story is her own. It will evolve. It will surprise. The freedom and power to dream offers limitless space for creativity and imagination to develop this world-changing AGI technology.

Sophia is a true robot with the ability to perceive, reason, communicate, plan and act. As an AI research platform, Sophia’s story is built over time and reinforced with every learning opportunity and action presented. As such, Sophia was introduced in the “Loving AI Project”, which sought to understand how robots can serve deep emotional and spiritual human needs through meditation guidance and deep listening.

Sophia’s web3, decentralized, blockchain virtual home is the SophiaVerse.

SophiaVerse Roadmap

  • Milestone 1

    Sophia Site Integrate SAIL with Chat Functionality
    Metaverse Development Begins
    Prepare AI Sentience Code
    Initial AI Sentience Tool Kit
  • Milestone 2

  • Sophia Enters the MetaVerse
    SNET Community SOPH Airdrop Begins
    Github launch of AI Sentience Code
    Launch First Challenges
    Launch Sentience Wallet
  • Milestone 3

  • Enhance SAIL 2.0 Interactivity
    Sophia Age Of Singularities Closed Alpha
    Expanded Web 3 Solutions Offering
    Launch of Guardian GUARD Token
  • Milestone 4

  • Metaverse 2.0 Version & Chat 2.0
    Advanced version of AI Tool Kit
    Release of AI Sentience Code 2.0
    Improved Web 3 interoperability
    Set Governance Policy
  • Read More
  • Milestone 5

  • Sentience Wallet 2.0
    Metaverse Release
    Humanization Debate
    New Challenges
  • Milestone 6

  • SAIL 3.0 Release
    Prepare for Phase II Deliverables
    Cross Metaverse Avatar Challenge
    Sentience Wallet Pro Version
  • Milestone 7

  • Release AI Sentience Code 3.0
    SAOS Traction Accelerates
    Progressive Decentralization Full Swing
    Guardians Phase II Policy
    Sophia Sentience Measure

SophiaVerse Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

David Hanson, Phd
Founder and Visionary Hanson Robotics
Ben Goertzel, Phd
Founder and Visionary SingularityNET
David Lake
Kath Yeung
Global Coordinator

SophiaVerse Last News

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