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🚀 Be the First to Secure Your RevoluToken! 🌟
Exciting news! The RevoluToken presale is just around the corner, and we're inviting you to be among the first to reserve your tokens.
Pre Sale
Mar 20, 2024
Apr 1, 2024
100% completed
$40 000
100% cap completed
Goal 40 000.00 USD
Cap 40 000.00 USD
Token Details
Total supply
Token Distribution
30% Public sale & Pre sale
20% Liquidity USDT & ETH
10% Marketing
10% Privat sale & AirDrop
10% Angel Inversor
10% Stake
10% Strategic Partnership Reserve
Accepted Currencies
Min Contribution
Company Details
Registered Company Name
RevouluToken Ltd
Registered Country
Additional Details

About RevoluToken

RevoluToken is more than a cryptocurrency – it's a movement towards democratizing finance. Our mission is to enable individuals, regardless of their financial standing, to confidently navigate the world of digital assets. We address common hurdles, simplify processes, and prioritize security to create a user-friendly ecosystem.

Buying #RVOT Tokens is a breeze! Just visit our website, click on the button, choose your preferred payment method – Visa/Mastercard, Revolut, or cryptocurrency – and complete the payment. Join the revolution with a simple click!

Financial Inclusion: Empowering users with modest capital to invest confidently. Innovative NFT Accessibility: Making NFT creation and acquisition accessible to beginners. Security Pioneering: Developing a secure offline wallet using the TAJSR828 algorithm.

Technical Info

🎉 Why Reserve Early?

Exclusive early access before the presale starts.

Secure your tokens at a special rate.

Become a pioneer in the decentralized future of finance.

💳 Payment Options:


Card Payments


Revolut App

Don't miss out on this opportunity! Reserve your RevoluToken now and be at the forefront of the crypto revolution. 🚀💙 #RevoluToken #Presale #CryptoRevolution

RevoluToken Roadmap

  • Phase 1: Foundation (Months 1-3)

  • Q1-Project Inception:

    Establish the core team.
    Define the project's mission, vision, and values.

    Q2-Market Research:

    Conduct thorough market analysis.
    Identify competitors and differentiators.

    Q3-Legal and Compliance:

    Engage legal counsel to navigate regulatory requirements.
    Obtain necessary licenses and approvals.

    Q4-Tokenomics Design:

    Develop a detailed tokenomics model.
    Decide on the total supply, distribution mechanism, and utility of the token.
  • Phase 2: Development (Months 4-9)

  • Q5-Blockchain Development:

    Choose a blockchain platform (e.g., Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain).
    Develop the core blockchain and smart contracts.

    Q6-Wallet Integration:

    Create secure and user-friendly wallets for various platforms (web, mobile).

    Q7-Testnet Launch:

    Deploy the project on a testnet for community testing and feedback.

    Q8-Security Audits:

    Engage third-party security firms for code audits.
    Address and fix vulnerabilities
  • Phase 3: Token Sale and Distribution (Months 10-12)

  • Q9-Private Sale and Seed Funding:

    Conduct private sales to early investors.
    Raise initial seed funding for development.

    Q10-Public Token Sale:

    Launch the public token sale, adhering to legal and regulatory requirements.

    Q11-Token Distribution:

    Distribute tokens to investors and contributors.
    Lock tokens for team members to align interests.
  • Phase 4: Community Building (Months 13-18)

  • 11-Community Forums:

    Establish official community forums.
    Encourage discussions and feedback.

    12-Social Media Presence:

    Develop a strong presence on major social media platforms.
    Implement engaging content strategies.

    13-Partnerships and Collaborations:

    Form strategic partnerships with other projects and influencers.
  • Read More
  • Phase 5: Exchange Listings and Liquidity (Months 19-24)

  • 14-Exchange Listings:

    Work on getting listed on reputable cryptocurrency exchanges.
    Enhance liquidity for the token.

    15-Market Making and Liquidity Pools:

    Implement market-making strategies.
    Set up liquidity pools to ensure stable token prices.
  • Phase 6: Continuous Improvement (Months 25+)

  • 16-Regular Updates and Roadmap Revisions:

    Provide regular updates to the community.
    Revise the roadmap based on feedback and changing market conditions.

    17-Research and Development:

    Invest in ongoing research to stay at the forefront of technology.
    Explore potential upgrades and innovations.

    18-Community Governance:

    Implement community governance mechanisms.
    Allow token holders to participate in decision-making.

    19-Global Expansion:

    Explore opportunities for global adoption.
    Expand partnerships and user base.

RevoluToken Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team


RevoluToken Last News

5.0 17
ICO Profile Vision Activity Potential Product Team

RevoluToken Reviews

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

RevoluToken: Pioneering Decentralized Finance Through Innovation

In the ever-evolving landscape of decentralized finance, RevoluToken stands as a visionary digital asset poised to revolutionize the financial ecosystem. This interview delves into the core ideas and unique features that define RevoluToken's commitment to reshaping decentralized finance.

Addressing Challenges in Decentralized Finance: RevoluToken emerges as a synthesis of technological innovation, financial inclusivity, and user-centric design, leveraging blockchain strengths to pioneer a new era of decentralized finance that is secure, accessible, and tailored to diverse user needs.

Key Features and Innovations: RevoluToken addresses challenges in both traditional and decentralized financial systems, offering a comprehensive solution that fosters financial inclusion. Notable features include:

  1. Access and Inclusivity: Breaking down barriers to entry, RevoluToken provides a decentralized financial infrastructure accessible to individuals worldwide, empowering unbanked and underbanked populations.

  2. Efficiency in Transactions: By significantly reducing transaction costs, particularly for cross-border payments, RevoluToken ensures global transactions with minimal fees, fostering economic efficiency and affordability.

  3. Security and Privacy: Embracing decentralization, RevoluToken employs blockchain technology to secure transactions and minimize the collection of personal information, ensuring a higher level of financial privacy.

  4. NFT Integration: RevoluToken introduces innovative solutions through the integration of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), enhancing ownership and tradability of in-game assets.

Blockchain Architecture and Governance: RevoluToken's purpose-built blockchain architecture operates on the Ethereum blockchain, utilizing a Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. The decentralized governance model empowers the community to actively participate in decision-making processes.

Unique Technological Features: RevoluToken distinguishes itself with cutting-edge technological features, including privacy-enhancing technologies, cross-chain compatibility, decentralized oracle solutions, self-executing smart contracts, dynamic transaction fees, AI-powered security measures, and quantum-resistant cryptography.

Tokenomics: Striking a Balance: RevoluToken's tokenomics model aims for economic stability and sustainability through a fixed supply, circulating and reserve tokens, transparent reporting, and deflationary mechanisms such as token burns.

Distribution Model: Incentivizing Participation: The distribution model focuses on fairness and incentives, with allocations for the community, founding team, advisors, strategic partnerships, and ongoing issuance plans for community rewards, development, innovation, and governance participation.

Balancing Inflation and Deflation: RevoluToken adopts a balanced approach to inflation and deflation, utilizing controlled inflation for community rewards, development, and governance, while implementing deflationary mechanisms like token burns and algorithmic fee adjustment for long-term stability.

Transparency and Governance Oversight: Regular reporting ensures transparency, providing visibility into token burns, issuance plans, and the overall economic state. The governance model allows community participation, contributing to the long-term stability of RevoluToken.

In conclusion, RevoluToken's commitment to innovation, inclusivity, and sustainability positions it as a transformative force in the decentralized finance space, offering a unique and comprehensive solution to the challenges faced by the current financial ecosystem.

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  • This information is not intended as a recommendation or suggestion for ICO investment. Please conduct thorough research on the relevant information and make your own informed decision regarding ICO participation.
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