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Last Update

Jun 23, 2018

re: factor provides a P2P factoring platform to promote investment in accounts receivable in financial markets and globalize the process.
Main Sale
Sep 18, 2018
Dec 18, 2018
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Jul 8, 2018
Aug 12, 2018
100% completed
$1 748 252
hard cap
10% cap completed
Goal 500.00 ETH
Cap 5 000.00 ETH
Hard cap 100 000.00 ETH
Closed Sale
Jun 14, 2018
Jul 4, 2018
100% completed
$156 000
100% goal completed
Token Details
Additional Details

About re:factor

re:factor financial group is a multinational corporation and a global ecosystem under creation, the uniqueness of which lies in the competencies of team members who are internationally recognized professionals in the factoring industry. Technological platform re:factor is based on the public blockchain Ethereum. The platform enables all parties in interest to carry out large-scale effective operations having trade receivables worldwide.


re:factor financial group is a transnational corporation and a global ecosystem under creation, the uniqueness of which lies in the competencies of team members who are internationally recognized professionals in the factoring industry. Technological platform re:factor is based on the public blockchain Ethereum. The platform enables all parties in interest to carry out large-scale effective operations having trade receivables worldwide.

The re:factor system can be described as 4D Factoring, because on the platform, you can:

• sell

• buy

• pledge

• transfer intrust trade receivables

On the re:factor platform:

• buyers and sellers conduct factoring operations and work with accounts receivable online, without intermediaries, with no reference to a specific country or to a bank, while maintaining maximum transparency and security in all operations.

• is a complete replacement of paper documents to electronic document circulation;

• clients and debtors receive three main benefits: tangible improvement in terms of funding; a decrease in the cost of paperwork and storage of documents; protection of information.

The first benefit is a reduction of time from delivery of the goods to obtaining financing. Often this can take days to put in place; with the re:factor platform the payment is effected within a few hours of the goods being confirmed as received by the buyer.

The second benefit of re:factor is saving money on record keeping and storage of documents. Such costs are rarely taken into account in a company but in fact are a tangible expenditure. By way of example, one major retailer, after considering the costs of paper documents circulation and contrasted the cost of the electronic documents circulation, even taking into account the creation 5 of an Internet platform of exchange of documents with suppliers, has moved to electronic documents, reducing expenses on a single document of A4 size by more than 60%.

One of the key benefits of re:factor is providing 100% protection of information storage on executed operations, through the use of blockchain technologies. For investors this gives protection of their interests on the platform, due to the decentralized data storage system that makes it possible to avoid fraudulent actions on behalf of all parties to the transaction, and further falsification of information; for suppliers and buyers it is ability to store and learn from the results of their transactions, to form their own large-scale statistics for the re:factor platform to further improve the model of evaluation and analysis of counterparties and transactions.

Technical Info

This is a comprehensive check of the borrower reliability. The re:factor technological platform provides a full range of services and the interaction of the main participants of the factoring service:

1. Supplier

2. Buyer

3. Investor in trade receivables

re:factor acts as a single point for the consideration of all invoices and transaction processing. The company provides all the participants with a hightech platform for simple and effective interaction in electronic format.

The supplier has the opportunity to pass new customers and receivables for the service (in electronic form with an electronic signature). In addition, he receives information about the limit for each buyer, estimated fee, and other conditions of factoring services. The platform will offer a wide variety of different reports on all transactions conducted online.

The buyer is not a mandatory user of the platform though, but participation in this work gives him additional advantages. For example, when the shipment is being confirmed electronically, the buyer can improve some delivery conditions, i.e. increase the limit and defer payment or reduce the fee.

As for the investor, the platform allows him for a transparent, convenient and efficient investment into receivables. Financial transactions can be managed manually. But it is better to use automated procedures of selection of one’s shares in the limits for the relationship “Supplier-Buyer”, as well as to monitor their account.

The link “Supplier-Buyer” is one of the key elements of the billing subsystem of our platform. All the basic interaction between the parties to the transaction takes place in the framework of this system and on its conditions. Processing and billing of trade receivables (Invoices) is done also through the link “SupplierBuyer”.

In addition to the web version of the platform, specialized mobile applications will be developed for the users.

re:factor Roadmap

  • May, 2017

  • re:factor foundation
  • June, 2017

  • Team building
  • July – August, 2017

  • Business model and specifications development, legal expertise output
  • September – October, 2017

  • Preliminary contract settlement with retailers and financial institutions in target countries
  • Read More
  • November, 2017 – February, 2017

  • Business-model stress-testing, technical concept design
  • March – May, 2018

  • MVP design
  • June, 2018

  • Closed pre-sale
  • July - August, 2018

  • Pre-ICO
  • September, 2018

  • MVP Presentation
  • September - December, 2018

  • Main Sale
  • November, 2018

  • Alpha-version presentation.
  • February - March, 2019

  • Start of the full version of the platform

re:factor Team

Verified 82%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Mikhail Treyvish
Elena Trakhanova
Margrith Lutschg-Emm...
Ernest Tavakalyan
Head of Marketing Communication
Andrey Otmakhov


$1 899 055

Chris Barrett
Stanislav Puschtorsk...
Vyacheslav Sokoltsov
Ksenija Kraewska
Mikhail Knyazev
Maria Agranovskaya
Chief Legal Coordinator


Verified 67%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Dennis Firmansjah


$13 170 000

Sergei Sergienko
John Brehcist
Joseph Lufkin
Marius Savin
Ralf Bauer

re:factor Interviews

Mikhail Treyvish
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My main area in the project is the strategy. And I believe that our project will boost the development of hundreds of thousands of SMEs all over the world and will help to protect and diversify the savings of millions of people from middle class from dozens of countries.
Elena Trakhanova
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am co-founder and CBDO at re:factor. Mostly I am looking for partners, that would like to cooperate with us. Also I am responsibe for strategic development of our platform. First countries we are going to work with are Asian, later we would be developing our company in Latin America and Africa and at the last stage we would make it available to all the community all over the world.
Margrith Lutschg-Emmenegger
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am proud to be actively involved in this exciting project but there is a lot to do to educate the market especially on trade finance and I hope that I can be involved in the education and awareness process.
Ernest Tavakalyan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As a team member, I am doing my best to make re:factor reach bigger audience. The product can help lots of people and companies, that is why developing re:factor is a thing worth to do!
Dennis Firmansjah
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I serve as one of the Advisors focusing primarily in Asia connections.
Chris Barrett
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am the lead advisor for risk management issues. One key element of our project is use of Blockchain technology to increase transparency and to reduce the risk of fraud which exists under more traditional factoring processes.
Stanislav Puschtorskiy
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
At the moment, I am involved in development of the platform's logic. On the later stage, I will focus on commercial issues related to various types of our customers. Our project is based on p2p factoring concept and is aimed at making investments in trade receivables global. I find it challenging and fascinating.
John Brehcist
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
With over thirty years experience in receivables finance operations, strategy and consultancy, I can offer the team support and advice from a perspective of having worked in over twenty countries in both developed and emerging markets.
Vyacheslav Sokoltsov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
re:factor is a new way to operate with a unique asset - trade receivables.
Marius Savin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
re:factor original approach to sustainable trade finance via ICO
Ksenija Kraewska
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I’m responsible for developing and implementing the communications and marketing strategy for re:Factor, advancing and protecting the brand/reputation, using a broad range of digital and traditional media. I manage, lead, and inspire as Chief Marketing and Communications Officer the marketing, branding, public relations and communications functions, collaborating with stakeholders and partners, community and investors to align strategy across the diverse range of internal and external stakeholders.
I’m passionate about the re:Factor and our mission. I believe that blockchain will facilitate open account trade finance and thereby also increase funding for Small & Medium Sized Enterprises which is so critical for all economies. Crypto currencies will enable fin-tech platforms as re:Factor that offer these facilitations to fund their investments/developments while creating access for many private and corporate investors.
Ralf Bauer
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
The re:factor project is very interesting, as it will serve markets that other players put no or hardly any focus on. On top of that the blockchain technology will provide an add on that other companies cannot offer. I very much like the idea of a company with a management in many countries. Like this we all can benefit from different experiences from all over the world.
Mikhail Knyazev
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
P2P solution of re:factor gives an unique opportunity to all market players.

re:factor Last News

5.0 18
ICO Profile Vision Activity Potential Product Team
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