TDV 2020 Announces Speaker Line-Up with special guest Doug Casey

November 11, 2019 BACK TO PRESS RELEASES

The Dollar Vigilante (TDV) is excited to announce their Internationalization and Investment Summit will be February 11th and  12th, 2020 as part of the 6th Annual Anarchapulco, in Acapulco, Mexico

The Dollar Vigilante (TDV) is not a typical financial newsletter. While it covers all aspects of the ongoing collapse of the US dollar financial system, it is done from a free market view. TDV is proud to be the most thoroughly free market newsletter there is.  All the editors, writers and analysts for TDV are libertarian purists (anarcho-capitalists) grounded in free-market Austrian economics. 

The TDV Internationalization and Investment Summit brings this unique perspective to a two day live seminar featuring leading experts from around the world in one location on the shores of Acapulco’s famous golden beach.   These experts share their experience with the most current investing trends, cryptocurrency investing, precious metals, how to diversify your portfolio, how to be smarter with tax liabilities, how to create more wealth, how to be a world traveler and create the future you want.

The speaker line up for 2020 includes;

●     Jeff Berwick, Chief Editor, The Dollar Vigilante
●     Ed Bugos, Senior Analyst,  The Dollar Vigilante
●     Doug Casey, Founder, The Casey Report
●     Jim Willie, Editor, The Hat Trick Letter}
●     James Turk,
●     Sherry Peel Jackson, former IRS agent turned whistle blower
●     Rafael LaVerde, Analyst, The Crypto Vigilante
●     Luis Fernando Mises, TDV Groups
●     Anthem Blanchard, Anthem Vault
●     Francis Hunt, Trader, The Crypto Sniper
●     Charlie Robinson, Author “Octopus of Global Control”
●     Mark Emery, Seasoned “Perpetual Traveller”
●     Michael Cobb, Chairman and CEO, ECI Development
●     Gus Demos, co-founder, Perpetual Assets
●     Collin Kettell, founder, Palisades Global Investments

Tickets for the TDV Summit are on sale now at  The TDV Summit is the only conference of its kind to accept crypto along with fiat for the price of the ticket and the hotel reservations.  

As part of the 6th annual Anarchapulco, the world’s premiere Liberty event, the TDV Internationalization and Investment Summit will be at the Princess Mundo Imperial in Acapulco, Mexico. 

The Princess Mundo Imperial is a 4-star beachfront, luxury Mexico resort on Acapulco’s stunning Riviera Diamante, a stretch of dreamy palm grove shoreline and warm sandy beaches.  The resort features three towers, three pools and seven restaurants. 

For the second year in a row, Anarchapulco has arranged for a buyout of the hotel to ensure the most liberating experience.   Ticket holders and guests can now purchase their accommodation at the host hotel, The Princess Mundo Imperial through 

The hotel room prices quoted on the site includes all fees.  Guests will only need to cover their incidentals, like food and beverage, when checking out

To stay up to date and get your Event Tickets visit  

Join the conversation FB/TW/IG/YT @TheDollarVigialante @Anarchapulco #Anarchapulco2020   

The Dollar Vigilante (TDV) is a free market, anarcho-capitalist newsletter, website and video podcast with over 25 million views on Youtube.  TDV is also broadcast via satellite radio across the world and on more than 40 terrestrial radio stations in the US. 

TDV is hosted by Jeff Berwick, a famous analyst, author and entrepreneur.  TDV's motto is "Surviving and Prospering During & After the Dollar Collapse" and Jeff Berwick considers himself a freedom fighter against mankind's two biggest enemies: The State and Central Banks.  For more information visit 

ANARCHAPULCO is the world's premiere Liberty event for Voluntaryist thinkers and activists held annually in Acapulco, Mexico.  Started by Jeff Berwick - Activist, and Host & Producer of The Dollar Vigilante and Anarchast, in 2015, the event has grown exponentially to the point where in 2020, Anarchapulco will take over the entire property of the Princess Mundo Imperial featuring non-stop action from the stage to the beach.  Topics will range from entrepreneurism, libertarianism and anarcho-capitalism with experiences for all from the family unschooling center to live music and film screenings.  For more information visit  

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