Have you ever wondered what is the destiny of medicine? Humanity has overcome the dark times of plague and smallpox and watched a significant decrease in infant mortality. However, we are far from the terminus due to never-ending researches, discoveries end developments. And the question after all the centuries has remained the same: what is further, beyond our narrow view?

Digital Medicine Forum held in Moscow on April, 12 is determined to lift the vail. As the future is in our present, participants of the event will see what is hidden from laypersons nowadays while leading digital medicine specialists, biomedical and information technology market leaders will be there to share their knowledge on the subject. 

During the Forum the fate of transplantation will be discussed to find out when and where print-ed organs will become as functional as the real ones. Besides, all the details of possible (or totally impossible) immortality reached by active longevity-insurance medicine will all be mentioned and proved.

Given that the modern world of virtual communication leaves its trace on the medicine like on all the other subjects, the AI, telemedicine and e-health will become one of the main topics. In the framework of this debate experts will consider what clothes to wear to keep in touch with your doctor and how to escape queues in a local hospital. 

By the way, while virtual nurses can already help you to control your health conditions (remem-ber ADA project), it is the high time people thought about the whole hospital situated in the vir-tual reality. The idea strikes you as strange? But what if it is a much more affordable way of treatment than we can imagine? Let it be so; nevertheless, no developments in the sphere are possible without well-educated specialists. This is the reason why a large section of Digital Med-icine Forum is devoted to the modernization of medical education throughout the world. 

And finally, the presentation of digital medical startups is saved for last. Here funds and inves-tors will find verified projects which can create the future of the whole human race, whereas de-velopers will be able to present their work to the targeted audience receiving maximum feedback. 

The future is closer with Digital Medicine Forum. See you on April, 12 at Sechenov University, Moscow! 

More information on the website www.forum.digital/medicine

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