Blockchain Conference Moscow


Blockchain Conference Moscow will take place on November 20 bringing together leading local and foreign industry experts. The organizer, international Smile-Expo company, clings to the traditional format: conference plus exhibition of hardware and software.  

The conference is intended for developers, entrepreneurs, investors, startup founders, as well as financiers, economists, lawyers, and marketers that work with blockchain and cryptocurrencies. It will fall into two sessions to provide every participant with a possibility to focus on information that interests him or her. 

Main topics of Blockchain Conference Moscow:
1. Fintech Hall:
• cryptocurrencies and traditional assets;
• blockchain regulation;
• blockchain security;
• blockchain and innovation;
• industrial application of the technology. 

2.  Blockchain Hall:
• tokenization of the economy and other areas of social life;  
• decentralization of the Internet;  
• ICOs – cryptocurrency crowdsales, present and future; 
• successful trading strategies;
• EOS constitution as the first social contract on blockchain. 

The program is elaborated and expanded; all changes are published on the website. 

Reports of the Russian blockchain community representatives are an important part of the program. Five experts from Russia have already confirmed their participation in Blockchain Conference Moscow.
Aleksey Studnev, developer, CTO, and founder of
Vladimir Popov, author of the book ICO: essence, problems, law; CEO at Synergis blockchain company.
Igor Matyukhin, member of the Expert Council of the State Duma Committee on Financial Markets.
Maxim Diachenko, managing partner at Petroleum Trading LLC.
Gerbert Shopnik, representative of world-known Bitfury blockchain company.   

At Blockchain Conference Moscow, Smile-Expo organizes an exhibition area for mining hardware, blockchain-based software and apps, and related goods and services. Over 50 companies annually participate in the exhibition. 

Registration to the conference is available on the website of the Blockchain Conference Moscow.