Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Moscow 2021

February 18, 2021 BACK TO PRESS RELEASES

On April 6, Smile-Expo will hold the 9th Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Moscow 2021. 

Recognized experts of the crypto industry will speak at the event, talking about the possibilities of blockchain technology, the prospects for the cryptocurrency market and the peculiarities of the legislative regulation of digital assets. 

Meet three new conference speakers:

Gordon Einstein is a partner and founder of CryptoLaw Partners law firm, legal consultant in the field of IP rights and general business practice. The expert provides legal support to investment and venture funds. He specializes on the regulation of fintech projects, blockchain startups and other innovative solutions. 

As part of the event, Gordon will reveal the topic “Crypto-Ruble Under Law

Artem Koltsov – Chairman of the Expert Council on the Digital Economy and Blockchain Technologies under the Committee on Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship at the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Founder of Casper API – a decentralized platform for cloud storage of information based on the blockchain for DApps.

The expert will take part in a panel discussion on “Legal implications of the law on digital financial assets”. 

Aleksei Antonov is a co-founder and partner of SONM decentralized fog computing platform. He also holds the position of Chief Investment Officer at Algalon Capital that explores progressive strategies for investing in digital assets. Aleksei will make a presenation titled “DeFi economy: Key risks and how it will lose 90% of the value”. 

Special offer! Celebrating the Defender’s Day, we launch a special promotion: from 17 to 24 of February, Conference category tickets can be purchased with a 30% discount! 

Ticket price during the promotion is 7,000 RUB.
Ticket price from February 25 – 10,000 RUB. 

The offer is valid for 8 days only. The early bird period will last until February 28, and starting from March 1, the cost of tickets will increase to 15,000 RUB. 

Join the event Telegram chat to learn about program updates and online meetings with conference experts on the popular Clubhouse social network. 

Join the blockchain community to discuss the future of the cryptocurrency market! 

Organizer of Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Moscow 2021 

Event is organized by Smile-Expo international company that is conducting business events dedicated to promising innovations. Over 15 years of operations, the company has organized more than 270 events in 28 countries of the world. 

Program and registration