2022 Innovative Finance Expo


The 2015-2021 Innovative Finance Expo was held in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Sydney, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok and other places, and was widely welcomed. In 2022, it will be held again in the Middle East, Africa and Southeast Asia. We hope to bring the world's best innovative financial institutions and enterpriseproducts to you. 2022 Innovative Finance Expo will display the latest innovativefinancial products and services to promote the better and faster development ofinnovative finance industry. Innovative financial industry covers cryptocurrency,blockchain, foreign exchange, financial technology, payment, NFT, Web3. 0 and othernew innovative financial forms. 2022 Innovative Finance Expo will promote theecology of innovative financial industry, promote the future development of theindustry, and realize win-win cooperation among innovative financial enterprises. This expo is also the world's largest innovative financial Expo. We hope to bring youan extraordinary experience in the innovative financial industry!

2022 Innovative Finance Expo is committed to building a knowledge sharing and resource docking platform in the financial industry chain, collecting information and resources, and effectively connecting all links, personnel, technology, products and capital in the financial industry chain. Our goal is to establish a professional high-end brand image for innovative financial enterprises and expand their brand influence in the world. At the same time, it provides a platform for investors and technology suppliers to share professional knowledge and resources. In addition to blockchain companies, cryptocurrency exchanges, blockchains, foreign exchange brokers, electronic payment and cross-border settlement and other financial technology companies, some PE, VC, asset acquisition and asset management companies will also participate in our global expo.

Exhibitors: cryptocurrency enterprises, foreign exchange brokers, digital financial enterprises, digital currency exchanges, payment companies, cross-border settlement companies, financial technology companies, NFT companies, financial support services companies, financial securities companies, software companies, software providers etc.

Audiences: financial media, financial companies, financial technology companies, agency companies, financial companies, employees in the foreign exchange industry, bank executives, securities executives, high net worth investors etc.

2022 Innovative Finance Expo will be held for the first time in Abu Dhabi, UAE from September 20 to 21! Website:https://auh.ifinexpo.com

Characteristics of this Expo

1. The world's largest and far-reaching innovation finance Expo.

More than 80 innovative financial enterprises will participate in the Expo, involving companies such as cryptocurrency, foreign exchange, asset management, electronic payment, blockchain, NFT and financial technology solutions.

2. Join hands with world-renowned entrepreneurs to explore the frontier development of innovative finance.

More than 40 well-known entrepreneurs and heads of institutions will be invited to give speeches to systematically explain the latest development process and future direction of innovative financial industry.

3. High end social networking resources.

The visitors to this exhibition mainly include world-famous financial enterprises, managers of cryptocurrency enterprises, heads of foreign exchange enterprises, introduction brokers, outstanding leaders in the Internet financial industry, well-known experts and scholars, industry elites, media representatives, legal teams, high net worth investors, to ensure the efficiency of resource docking and communication.

4. Global brand communication and influence.

The exhibition mainly cooperates with 40 well-known financial media to deeply report and widely spread the innovative financial Expo. Up to 5 million exposures can maximize the influence of the Expo in the field of innovative finance, and help exhibitors improve their brand awareness and competitiveness.

If you are interested in 2022-2023 Innovative Finance Expo and want to be exhibitors, speakers, visitors, media cooperation and strategic cooperation, please contact me as soon as possible and we look forward to cooperating with you!

ABU DHABI Sep.20-21 2022 

KUALA LUMPUR Oct.19-20 2022 

BANGKOK Oct.27-28 2022

HONGKONG Nov.03-04 2022

DUBAI Nov.15-16 2022

LAGOS Jan.10-11 2023

MUMBAI Mar.09-10 2023

Contact Information

Vincent Itoya: Business Development Manager for FigureFinance Mobile: +2347033819400

WhatsApp:08151564190 Email: vincent@icryptoexpo.com