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The PEPOW token, a groundbreaking cryptocurrency, introduces a new approach to token mining with its unique Proof-of-Stake (PoS) model. It ingeniously addresses the limitations of the traditional PoS and Proof-of-Work (PoW) models, focusing on decentralization, fairness, and effective token distribution.
30 days
Jul, 2023
Jul, 2023
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Goal 1 000.00 USD
Cap 250.00 USD
Token Details
Total supply
Token Distribution
Team 5%
Treasury 10%
Marketing 3%
Liquid 20%
Charity 2%
Burn 50%
Fund 10%
Accepted Currencies
Additional Details

About PEPoW

Welcome to the dawn of a new era in the world of decentralized finance. We are proudly introducing PEPOW Token, a groundbreaking initiative that is poised to revolutionize the crypto mining landscape.

In a world where digital currencies have disrupted traditional finance, we have identified a pressing need to democratize the mining process, to make it more equitable, accessible, and free from manipulation. That's where PEPOW Token comes into the picture. It's not just another cryptocurrency; it's a new way of thinking about and interacting with the digital economy.

PEPOW Token is built upon the principles of transparency, fairness, and innovative technology. Our goal is to ensure that anyone, regardless of their wealth or technical knowledge, can participate in the mining process, thereby earning rewards and contributing to the security and decentralization of the network.

At the heart of PEPOW Token is a unique, dynamic mining difficulty adjustment algorithm. This algorithm adjusts mining difficulty based on the distribution of stake among holders and the quantity of transactions, ensuring that the mining process remains fair and balanced. The more diverse and active our network of holders, the lower the mining difficulty. Conversely, if a small number of wallets amass a high volume of tokens, the algorithm increases the difficulty level to prevent any single entity from dominating the mining process.

This approach promotes a healthy distribution of power and encourages a vibrant, engaged community of token holders. It is our answer to the centralization issues that plague many mining-based cryptocurrencies and represents a significant leap forward in the quest for a truly decentralized digital economy.

PEPOW Token is more than a token; it's a commitment to a more equitable and inclusive digital future. It's a testament to the transformative power of blockchain technology and a celebration of the potential that lies within each of us to shape this new frontier.

Join us as we embark on this exciting journey and redefine what it means to mine in the world of cryptocurrencies. Welcome to the future of mining, welcome to PEPOW Token.


Proof-of-Stake Mining
Say goodbye to energy-intensive mining! With PEPOW's innovative PoS model, you can stake your tokens and contribute to the network's security while earning rewards

Dynamic Mining Difficulty
Our unique algorithm adjusts the mining difficulty based on stake distribution and transaction quantity, ensuring a fair and balanced mining process. The more diverse and active the network, the lower the difficulty.

Stake-based Mining Probability
The probability of mining a block depends on your stake. The more tokens you stake, the higher your chances of hitting the jackpot. Get ready for some serious rewards!

Government Empowerment
We believe in putting the power in your hands. That's why we've introduced the adjustable block reward, our innovative governance mechanism, giving you the ability to shape the future of the token ecosystem.

Maximum Stake Limit
No more monopolies! We've set a maximum stake size to promote a fair distribution of mining power and prevent any single entity from dominating the process. It's all about decentralization.

Play-to-Earn Games
Get ready for an immersive gaming experience within the PEPOW ecosystem. Engage in play-to-earn games that reward you with tokens. Level up your gaming skills while earning real rewards.


PEPoW Roadmap

  • 1st Quarter

  • PEPOW Chain Fork Launch
    Develop and launch a secure and robust blockchain infrastructure.
    Implement the necessary consensus algorithms and protocols for the PoS mining mechanism.
    Conduct tests and security audits to ensure the stability of the blockchain.
  • 2nd Quarter

  • Swap Interface, Web Miner, and Stake dApp Launch
    Introduce a user-friendly swap interface for token conversion.
    Launch the Web Miner, bringing accessible mining to everyone.
    Launch the decentralized Stake platform, promoting profitable investment.
    Continuously improve the platform based on user feedback.
  • 3rd Quarter:

  • Play-to-Earn Games Interface and NFT Marketplace Launch
    Bring the exciting gaming ecosystem that rewards users with tokens.
    NFT Marketplace for our vibrant community to trade and create their non-fungible tokens.
    Collaborate with game developers and artists to expand the game and NFT offerings.
    Continuously update the games interface and NFT marketplace based on user feedback and emerging trends.
  • 4th Quarter

  • Community Expansion and Partnerships
    Engage with the community through social media and events.
    Form strategic partnerships with other blockchain projects, exchanges, and influencers.
    Explore integration opportunities with popular DeFi protocols and platforms.
    Organize educational initiatives to increase awareness about mining and the benefits of the PEPOW ecosystem.

PEPoW Last News

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