Gerald Schreiner

Venture Capital / Private Equity / Banking
About Gerald Schreiner
When Egon, Gerald Deutschbauer and Gerald Schreiner met in late 2014, it was immediately clear that a high-tech expert, financial direct sales expert and a banking professional would fit together perfectly. Egon, Gerald and their founding partners recognized the need for a major game changer in the banking sector. Both were early supporters of Blockchain technology – so innovations of their software team should enable crypto-currencies to be used by everyone in daily life. With more than 20 years of banking experience, Gerald has been the main driver behind developing a banking software that combines traditional banking with the future of banking: Blockchain Technology. Gerald was the first Western European banker to launch a franchise banking network and external mobile banking sales force in CEE. He implemented SMS Banking and instant payment systems within traditional banking services already 20 years ago. His goal has always been to stay two step ahead and implement technologies that deliver higher service and product flexibility while also lowering costs. Thus, he managed to position his bank organically from market position #42 to position #3. With this experience he is very convinced that MCVALUE can create an even bigger success story. Gerald intends to budget 30 Mio clients, as Marketing changed substantially: influencers, bloggers, events, community marketing … allows a much faster growth than anyone would expect. 20 Years banking experience and 8 years advisory & investor know-how !
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