Dan Andrews

United Kingdom
About Dan Andrews
Technology is the forefront of everything we work with, from toasters to rocket ships. Not only am I passionate about the future we live in, I wish to help pave it and work with the best minds I can. My personal passion stems into security and the arms race that builds from it. Something as simple as a toaster can be used to implement a denial of service attack, and as the Internet of Things model becomes more prevalent in our societies, we must develop counter measures to keep us safe and secure.
  • College of Richard Collyer
    • Electronics - B
    • Computing - B
    • Media Studies - C and Photography - B
    • Journalism and Computing/Engineering
  • University of Kent
    • Computer Science BSc
    • Computer Science
    • First Class Honours
  • University of Kent
    • Advanced Computer Science
    • Cyber Security
  • See 1 more
  • The Priory School
    • GCSE
    • History
    • Art
    • Drama and ICT
    • 11 GCSE(s) - Grades A* to B including Mathematics and English
  • Arweave
    • Operations Advisor
  • University of Kent
    • Teaching Assistant
  • CGI
    • IT Consultant
    • Systems Architecture Engineer
  • See 4 more
  • AddOnGaming LTD
    • Director
  • Arweave
    • Chief Operating Officer
  • University of Kent
    • Assistant Lecturer
  • Windacres Stud Farm
    • Agricultural Engineer and Technician
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