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A cross-chain borrowing and lending protocol for NFTs, liquidity positions, synthetics, and yield-bearing assets, powered by the Cardano blockchain.Paribus aims to be the “go-to” protocol for DeFi holders and investors to extend the reach of their digital assets and positions, doubling down on their earning power. If it can be verified, it can be sold. If it can be sold, there is intrinsic value. If there is intrinsic value, this value can be leveraged. Paribus is the protocol that offers DeFi holders and investors a platform to extend the reach of their digital assets.
  • Market
    Volume 24H
    24H (price)
    24H (volume)
  • KuCoin
    PBX/USDT 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0266
    $ 3.888 M
  • Uniswap V2 (Ethereum)
    PBX/0XDAC17F958D2EE523A2206206994597C13D831EC7 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0255
    $ 124.082 K
To be announced
Token Details
Total supply
Additional Details

About Paribus

Paribus’ mission is to unlock the true potential of these assets, evolving them into interoperable financial instruments, capable of being used within DeFi protocols, on any chain.

DeFi is consuming the traditional investment landscape and bringing new utility to areas that have remained unchanged for decades.

If it can be sold, there is a market value. If it has value, it can be modeled.

Paribus is the protocol that brings all of these forces together, offering DeFi holders and investors a platform to extend the reach of their digital assets and positions, doubling down on their earning power.

Paribus will endeavor to offer a wide range of features that will ultimately add strength to its value proposition as one of the earliest DeFi protocols on Cardano blockchain.

Due to Cardano's nature and ability to plug into existing blockchains, Paribus by default will utilize and extend this capability to unlock liquidity across chains across a spectrum of assets. Some of the assets Paribus will support include; NFTs, Virtual Lands, Synthetics, and of course more traditional assets such as ADA, ETH, and DOT. The full list of assets is available in later sections of this paper.


Lend, borrow or stake synthetic assets
Increasing capital efficiency or investment flexibility, across any chain.

NFT collateral-based loans
Borrow against your investment, freeing up your capital while the underlying NFT appreciates in value.

Metaverse Integration
Unlock the liquidity locked into your metaverse plots and assets.

LP collateral-based loans
Borrow against your AMM liquidity positions, allowing you to leverage up while staking or earning through LP’ing.

LP staking
Market specific staking pools for LP tokens from multiple blockchain based liquidity pools.

PBX token profit sharing
Earn a percentage of fees collected by the network, based on a tiered staking model.

Paribus Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Deniz Dalkilic
Wilson Davis
Janusz Żółtański
Simon Kruse

Paribus Last News

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