OutoftheCloud ICO

OutoftheCloud ICO

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Last Update

Aug 11, 2018

OutoftheCloud ICO
Innovation of file and data sharing by block chain technology Unlike most ICOs, we have products that are actually working!
Sep 1, 2018
Sep 30, 2018
100% completed
$90 065
hard cap
1% cap completed
Goal 30 000 000.00 USD
Cap 10 000 000.00 USD
Hard cap 50 000 000.00 USD
Aug 10, 2018
Aug 31, 2018
100% completed
$90 065
hard cap
1% cap completed
Goal 30 000 000.00 USD
Cap 10 000 000.00 USD
Hard cap 50 000 000.00 USD
Token Details
Accepted Currencies
Additional Details

About OutoftheCloud ICO

OutCloud Systems, Inc. is redefining the file sharing industry and setting the new standard for how people are sending and receiving large files. The current leading file sharing services are using technology that by today’s standards would be considered primitive at best. Instead of creating new platforms, they have built upon old and outdated ones allowing for OutCloud Systems, Inc. to lead the way as the next generation in file sharing technology.


Outcloud Systems offers a dynamic presentation and delivery system for sharing large multimedia files in an instantaneous and professional manner.  Our system offers numerous custom branding options and templates with the close personal touches that make the difference.   There are no downloads required of any kind.  No invasive permissions granted and none of the security concerns associated with cloud computing.   Isn't it time that you got your head OutoftheCloud?   

Technical Info

Currently our dedicated server is hosted with Ace Data Centers in Provo, UT. Our network
infrastructure equipment includes high performance gear from Arista Networks, Arbor Networks, Brocade, Juniper and CISCO. We utilize a wide array of network carriers including Level 3, nLayer, Comcast, Cogent Communications, and  Hurricane Electric to have the highest maximum band width capability possible. As we grow and transition to a cloudless blockchain network we will utilize Amazon Web Services (AWS) through Amazon EC2 which reduces the time required to obtain and boot new server instances to mere seconds, allowing us to quickly scale capacity, both up and down, as our computing requirements change. Amazon EC2 changes the economics of computing by allowing us to pay only for capacity that is used by our system. Amazon EC2 dramatically reduces our websites susceptibility to server crashes and allows us to handle large volumes of users without bogging down our system. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) provides us a secure and resizable compute capacity in the cloud. Our ultimate goal is to utilize and grow with cloud-based services and then at the appointed time transition to a decentralized blockchain-based network when it can meet the scaling requirements necessary to meet our demands. We will integrate with the Amazon CloudFront which is a global content delivery network (CDN) service that will accelerate delivery of our websites, APIs, video content and other web assets(alongside Verizon Media Services) .
We will also incorporate the Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) which allows for the scaling of our relational databases in the cloud. It will provide a cost-efficient and resizable capacity while managing time-consuming database administration tasks.
During the creation of a secure web page presentation created through our OOTC system the files uploaded by our users are temporarily stored using the Amazon Simple Storage Service. Also known as Amazon S3 which is object storage with a simple web service interface used to store and  retrieve any amount of data from anywhere on the web. It is designed to deliver 99.999999999%  durability, and scale past trillions of objects worldwide.S3 is used as primary storage for cloud-native applications; as a bulk repository, or "data lake," for  analytics; as a target for backup & recovery and disaster recovery; and with serverless computing.  It's simple to move large volumes of data into or out of S3 with Amazon's cloud data migration  options. Once data is stored in Amazon S3, it can be automatically tiered into lower cost, longer- term cloud storage classes like S3 Standard - Infrequent Access and Amazon Glacier for archiving.
We intend to offer a FREE version of our program. Free  users would agree to provide a certain amount of storage space for the use of other users in exchange for storage space made available to the user by other users. In this manner each device linked into our system by each user becomes a separate node in a global system of millions of nodes that will behave like a global cloud/cdn allowing for the instant delivery and live streaming of large files worldwide. Because the storage space the free user gives up is offset by other users in various locations the user is actually not losing any storage space at all. It is simply being moved as needed to the receiver’s geographic location. Example: PERSON A has a FREE USER package with OOTC which allows for them to send files up to 5GB per transaction. In exchange for using OOTC services they reserve a block of 10 GB of storage space on their device for use by other OOTC users. Person A also gains access to 10 GB of storage available for use worldwide by other OOTC users making their ability to access the correct geographic location to send the files they need to send based on the receivers geographic location. The System operates as a massive PEER to PEER
network with the exception that no downloading is required by the receiver and all files received are instantly streaming live and with use of blockchain technology there are massive security provisions in place that make “breaches” so prevalent with cloud storage practically nonexistent.  By turning our customer base into a decentralized global storage and delivery network we can  eliminate our current business expenses for things like bandwidth and storage space making our  services free for 98% of our customer base, transitioning away from AWS and relatively less secure cloud services.

S3 is used as primary storage for cloud-native applications; as a bulk repository, or "data lake," for  analytics; as a target for backup & recovery and disaster recovery; and with serverless computing.  It's simple to move large volumes of data into or out of S3 with Amazon's cloud data migration  options. Once data is stored in Amazon S3, it can be automatically tiered into lower cost, longer- term cloud storage classes like S3 Standard - Infrequent Access and Amazon Glacier for archiving.

We intend to offer a FREE version of our program. Free users would agree to provide a certain amount of storage space for the use of other users in exchange for storage space made available to the user by other users. In this manner each device linked into our system by each user becomes a separate node in a global system of millions of nodes that will behave like a global cloud/cdn allowing for the instant delivery and live streaming of large files worldwide. Because the storage space the free user gives up is offset by other users in various locations the user isactually not losing any storage space at all. It is simply being moved as needed to the receiver’s geographic location.
Example: PERSON A has a FREE USER package with OOTC which allows for them to send files up to 5GB per transaction. In exchange for using OOTC services they reserve a block of 10 GB of storage space on their device for use by other OOTC users. Person A also gains access to 10 GB of storage available for use worldwide by other OOTC users making their ability to access the correct geographic location to send the files they need to send based on the receivers geographic location.

The System operates as a massive PEER to PEER
network with the exception that no downloading is required by the receiver and all files received are instantly streaming live and with use of blockchain technology there are massive security provisions in place that make “breaches” so prevalent with cloud storage practically nonexistent.
By turning our customer base into a decentralized global storage and delivery network we can  eliminate our current business expenses for things like bandwidth and storage space making our  services free for 98% of our customer base, transitioning away from AWS and relatively less secure cloud services.

OutoftheCloud ICO Roadmap

  • English

  • September 19, 2018
    ICO phase launch beginning
    October 2018
    Exchange listing
    December 2018
    Service will be released to the general public
    January 2019
    Phase II Starts - development of IOT data integration into
    presentations and dashboards
    January 2019
    Marketing team expanded
    March 2019
    Development of various utilities of Outcloud smart contract
    July 2019
    Phase II Deploy of IOT integration,IOT
    Data Vendor search engine and dashboard templates
    December 2019
    1 million daily users reached
    December 2020
    25 million daily users reached
    January 2021
    New Marketing team established to bring in targeted add sponsors to pay for add space on FREE and Basic user accounts
    December 2021
    50 million daily users reached
    January 2022
    Additional Marketing team members added
    January 2023
    100 million daily users reached
    January 2025
    500 million daily users reached

OutoftheCloud ICO Team

Verified 57%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Junril Pateno
Full Stack Developer
Ravi Ram Kallepalli
Stan Ivasyuk
Matt Ballard
CEO / Director / Founding Member
Robert Keddie
President / CIO / CTO/Founding Member
David Barnes


$180 130

Sabrina Lopez
Crypto Social Media Expert / Consultant

Former members

Gidhun Mp


$960 130

Kajenthran Am

OutoftheCloud ICO Interviews

Matt Ballard
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
After 5 years of offering our services within the private detective industry we are very much looking forward to bringing our system to the general public. There is truly nothing like our outcloud systems program in the file sharing industry today and I really believe it will change the way people choose send and receive large files forever!
Robert Keddie
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I have been involved with the project since its inception in 2012 as one of the managing members of the company, the lead developer and project manager of MyCaseViewer.com. MyCaseViewer.com was a niche-specific file sharing service catering only to private investigators. Our clients loved that they did't have to burn, pack and mail their case sensitive results and reports, but simply upload their files straight from the field, customize/ brand their file presentation, and send it via a link, which when opened provided an at-a glance presentation or dashboard of all the files sent. We began to consider that this would be something the general masses would want and use. So we started Outcloud Systems Inc. There is a huge market out there of people who do not want to take the time of creating a website to present content from their files - whereas with us, files in any format can simply and quickly be uploaded as is, customized, branded and sent as a presentation or dashboard looking just as good! You could say we are the "wysiwyg" for files! Not everyone is a web designer. "OutoftheCloud" is exactly what it means. Staying out of the cloud, avoiding cloud storage with its historical propensity for catastrophic breaches ( due to centralization and high vulnerability signatures) and using blockchain technology to provide the ultimate security of private file/data storage and delivery. In fact , one of the utilities of our smart contract will help people to proactively avoid cloud storage of any of their files at all! We think cloud services will greatly diminish in a decentralized world for which we as a company are positioning for from the get go. In addition, I am especially excited about what we will offer as far as sharing not just files, but live data as it relates to the coming Internet of Things. Lastly, 99% of ICO's have no working model of their idea. We do. We are planning to do big things. Get on board with us and let's go!
Gidhun MP
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
outofthecloud is a solid company with a proven track record and a wealth of knowledge in the industry, invest in real ico

our ico website www.outofthecloud.io
we have working product www.outofthecloud.com

mail id gidhun@outofthecloud.io
Kajenthran AM
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
David Barnes
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Brilliant concept. I know that every businesss stores and shares information. This technology and company gives any corporation small or large the cutting edge needed to go to the next level!
Sabrina Lopez
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
This project builds a positive social structure that will make a constant evolution in the crypto-currency industry.

OutoftheCloud ICO Last News

5.0 12
ICO Profile Vision Activity Potential Product Team
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