South Korean Police Arrest 19 in Crypto Reading Room Fraud: $18.8M Scam Unveiled

May 24, 2024 BACK TO NEWS

In a crackdown on fraudulent activities, South Korean police have apprehended 19 individuals suspected of orchestrating a massive scam within a social media "crypto reading room." The operation, which targeted unsuspecting investors seeking crypto trading advice, allegedly defrauded 308 victims of approximately $18.8 million.

Operation Unveiled: Crypto Fraud Ring Exposed

Authorities revealed that the international gang operated through an "open chat room," likely hosted on platforms such as Telegram or KakaoTalk. Posing as crypto experts and ordinary investors, members of the gang purported to offer profitable trading tips and insights to lure victims into their scheme.

The arrests, conducted by the Daegu Police Agency's criminal task force on May 21, shed light on the intricate network of deceit orchestrated by the fraudsters. Despite the apprehensions, six suspects remain at large, prompting the task force to enlist the help of Interpol in issuing red notices for their arrest.

Deceptive Tactics: Entrapment and Exploitation

The modus operandi of the fraudsters involved enticing victims to join the "open chat room" under the guise of receiving lucrative trading advice. Once ensnared, victims were encouraged to download apps linked to fraudulent crypto exchanges, where they were promised moderate gains on their investments.

Building trust through initial gains, the gang then coerced victims into increasing their stakes. However, when attempts were made to withdraw funds, victims were instructed to pay exorbitant "withdrawal fees." Refusal to comply resulted in severed communication, leaving victims defrauded of their investments.

Recruitment Tactics: Coercion and Exploitation

In a disturbing revelation, police disclosed the gang's use of coercive "pig-butchering" recruitment tactics. Promising individuals employment opportunities in Myanmar, the ringleader allegedly confiscated their passports and coerced them into joining the fraudulent ring upon arrival.

Legal experts warn of the escalating trend of fraudulent schemes perpetrated through open chat rooms, emphasizing the potential for both fraud and organized crime charges against the perpetrators.

As investigations continue and efforts are made to locate the stolen funds, the arrests serve as a stark reminder of the dangers lurking in the crypto space and the necessity for vigilance against fraudulent activities.