Ontario's 'Crypto King' Faces 14-Year Prison Sentence Amid Allegations of Ponzi Scheme

May 20, 2024 BACK TO NEWS

Ontario's crypto community was rocked by the arrest of Aiden Pleterski, dubbed the 'Crypto King,' who faces charges of fraud and money laundering in connection with an alleged Ponzi scheme, potentially resulting in a maximum prison sentence of 14 years if found guilty.

The Allegations

Pleterski, alongside his associate Colin Murphy, stands accused of orchestrating a fraudulent scheme that reportedly siphoned off approximately $30 million from unsuspecting victims. The charges follow a comprehensive 16-month investigation dubbed 'Project Swan,' which involved extensive interviews with victims and meticulous scrutiny of financial documents.

Legal Ramifications

Canadian authorities have charged Pleterski with fraud over $5,000 and laundering proceeds of Canadian crime, underlining the severity of the accusations. Despite the ongoing bankruptcy case related to the alleged scheme, Pleterski was reportedly soliciting investors as recently as February 2024. Stephen Henkel of the Ontario Securities Commission emphasized that Pleterski lacked registration with any Canadian securities regulator, raising further legal concerns.

Kidnapping Incident

In a bizarre twist, Pleterski's case took a dramatic turn when he was reportedly abducted, assaulted, and subjected to torture by individuals claiming to be his victims. Court records reveal that five suspects were apprehended by Toronto police on charges of kidnapping for ransom, including one individual who had invested with Pleterski. Pleterski's release after three days of captivity was accompanied by a harrowing video showing him visibly bruised and injured, apologizing for any harm caused, further highlighting the complexity and gravity of the situation.


While none of the allegations against Pleterski have been proven in court, the legal proceedings surrounding his case underscore the risks and pitfalls within the cryptocurrency space. As authorities continue their investigations and legal proceedings unfold, the incident serves as a cautionary tale, emphasizing the importance of due diligence and regulatory compliance in cryptocurrency transactions and investments.