NFTBank Unveils NFTBank V2: Empowering Web3 Gamers with Enhanced Portfolio Management

May 6, 2024 BACK TO NEWS

Dubai, UAE, May 3rd, 2024 - NFT portfolio management platform NFTBank has announced the launch of NFTBank V2, a cutting-edge solution designed to revolutionize the management of NFT investments. With a focus on providing unparalleled precision and functionality, NFTBank V2 emerges as a prime tool to accelerate the revitalized web3 gaming movement, offering users an enhanced experience in tracking and managing their NFT portfolios.

NFTBank V2 builds upon its predecessor's success, boasting highly accurate NFT valuation and profit/loss tracking capabilities. The latest version has been fine-tuned to detect various NFT acquisition mechanisms, including minting, bulk purchasing, and transactions on secondary markets across all major NFT marketplaces. This upgrade represents a significant improvement in functionality, equipping users with a clear understanding of their investment performance.

A standout feature of NFTBank V2 is its ability to connect up to 3,000 wallets, providing users with a consolidated view of their assets spread across different wallets. This feature ensures the most accurate cost-basis calculation, accounting for internal transfers and making NFTBank V2 the go-to platform for NFT tax-filing. Additionally, users can manage these wallets in groups, allowing for differentiation in performance tracking across various strategies or wallet types, offering unprecedented customization and control in the NFT portfolio management space.

NFTBank V2 launches with support for two chains: Ethereum and Ronin, reflecting NFTBank's strategic priority in serving the web3 gaming ecosystem. Ronin, with approximately 17.6M total wallet addresses, is the second-most used blockchain and is integral to the success of web3 games like Pixels. NFTBank's history of involvement in the web3 gaming space positions NFTBank V2 as an indispensable tool for managing treasuries, aiding gamers and guilds in asset management and profit maximization.

NFTBank is backed by prominent investors such as Hashed, DCG, Sequoia Capital, Bitkraft, Sfermion, 1kx, and Dapper Labs. With a commitment to innovation and user experience, NFTBank continues to lead the way in the evolving non-fungible token market, offering advanced tools for NFT valuation, profit/loss tracking, and portfolio management.

As NFTBank V2 enters the market, it stands poised to empower web3 traders and investors, particularly those in the gaming space, to manage their assets more effectively and profitably, marking a significant step forward in the evolution of NFT portfolio management.