Crypto Hacks Surge in March 2024: PeckShield Report Reveals $187 Million in Losses

April 2, 2024 BACK TO NEWS

In a recent report by blockchain security firm PeckShield, the cryptocurrency community received sobering news amidst improved investor sentiment. The report for March 2024 uncovered a concerning surge in crypto hacks, with over 30 incidents causing approximately $187.29 million in losses.

Despite these setbacks dampening progress in the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector, there is a glimmer of hope in the recovery of almost $99 million during the same period. This recovery marks a significant 48% decrease from the previous month, offering some relief to affected projects and investors.

Among the most devastating breaches, Munchables, a Web3 gaming protocol on the Blast network, took the top spot after suffering an exploit resulting in losses of $97 million. However, what sets this incident apart is the surprising turn of events: the hacker, identified as "Werewolves0493" on GitHub, voluntarily returned the funds without any ransom demands. This act of restitution was later confirmed by Blast founder Pacman, who praised the network's core contributors for securing the stolen funds.

Following closely behind was the smart contract exploit of real-world asset (RWA) liquidity firm Curio Network, which incurred $40 million in losses due to a flaw in the voting power privilege access control.

Other notable incidents highlighted by PeckShield include the DeFi protocol Prisma Finance, which lost almost $11.6 million and is currently under negotiation for resolution. Additionally, the Binance-incubated platform NFPrompt suffered a hack resulting in $10 million in damages.

The WooFi incident, securing PeckShield's fifth spot, accounted for $8.5 million in losses. Investigations revealed that the DeFi platform's swap feature on the Arbitrum network was targeted in this attack.

As the crypto industry continues to evolve, security remains a paramount concern. Incidents like these underscore the importance of robust security measures and constant vigilance to mitigate the risks associated with digital asset storage and trading.

While the March 2024 report paints a concerning picture, the resilience of the crypto community in mitigating losses and pursuing remedies demonstrates a commitment to the long-term stability and security of the ecosystem.