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The META WORLD token (METAD) is the native token for the Metaworld ecosystem and Binance blockchain. The token serves multi-functional purposes ranging from utility use, governance, staking, and in-game transactions. It is the governance and equity token of the Metaworld ecosystem. Users holding METAD can participate in community proposals and decisions about system parameters. METAD token is multi-chain compatible token first deployed in binance blockchain further bridging to Solana, and other faster programmable layer blockchains.
To be announced
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Blockchain Investment Ecosystem Meta World:

This ecosystem will be developed in 6 areas: Smart contracts, financial services, play-to-earn games (GAMES - NFTs), supply chain, health care and cryptocurrencies to serve the ecosystem and partners of META WORLD.

META WORLD aims for "a large digital economy" that will open up right inside the virtual universe under construction. Trade will be a big part of META WORLD, where users will sell both physical and digital products.

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Smart contracts


Blockchain-based smart contracts are proposed contracts that can be partially or fully executed or enforced without human interaction. One of the main objectives of a smart contract is automated escrow. A key feature of smart contracts is that they do not need a trusted third party (such as a trustee) to act as an intermediary between contracting entities -the blockchain network executes the contract on its own. This may reduce friction between entities when transferring value and could subsequently open the door to a higher level of transaction automation.

Financial services


Within financial services, we offer distinct blockchain products and services that conjoin our deep technological expertise with our traditional advisory and financial services experience and domain knowledge. We are enabling and driving change across sectors. We are pro-actively evaluating many of the business ecosystems that can be enabled by blockchain and working with our clients to manage the business transformations made possible by this technology. Securitization, Payments and settlements, Intercompany settlement, Syndicated loans, Digital asset custody.

Supply chain


Blockchain technology can be used to build applications on which multiple parties can transact directly via a peer-to-peer network, without the need for a central authority to verify transactions. Each network participant has access to a shared ledger that immutably and cryptographically records all transactions, and there is no single network owner.


A cryptocurrency is a tradable digital asset or digital form of money, built on blockchain technology that only exists online. Cryptocurrencies use encryption to authenticate and protect transactions, hence their name. There are currently over a thousand different cryptocurrencies in the world, and many see them as the key to a fairer future economy.



  • Q1 - 2022

  • CG and CMC listing
    1000 holder burn 2%
    5000 holder burn 1%
    50.000 holder burn 0.5%
    Strategic development partnership
    Cex listing
  • Q2 - 2022

  • Mini game research
    Staking app launch
    Begin NFT marketplace design
    Saturn NFT launch
    NFT marketplace
    Spaceship NFT auction
  • Q3 - 2022

  • Player profile implementation
    Minigame private beta testing
    METAD dao launch
    Web3 integrantion into metaverse
    Minigame launch
    Spaceship NFT auction


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  • This information is not intended as a recommendation or suggestion for ICO investment. Please conduct thorough research on the relevant information and make your own informed decision regarding ICO participation.
  • If you identify any issues or errors in this content, or if you wish to submit your own ICO project for listing, please contact us via email at
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